Opportunità di finanziamento europee

  • Paul Scherrer Institut: “Priority access call for work on combating COVID-19”. The call is explicitly for requiring a rapid access to beamtime within the next months. Research proposals shall have the potential to effectively contribute to the understanding of the virus and/or to improve the clinical or public health response and patient care;
  • Call for Application Experiments: open call con scadenze varie fino al 31/08/2021 nell’ambito del progetto Horizon 2020 SmartEEs2;
  • PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe) Fast Track Call for Proposals;
  • EGI Call for COVID-19 research projects;
  • Call for the creation of the research network POSOC-19 (POwers and SOcietiesfacing the Covid-19 Crisis);
  • Coronavirus research: EU supported research and innovation projects and initiatives to tackle the spread of coronavirus and preparedness for other outbreaks.

  • Call: Impact of Covid-19 on brain and mental health: Human Brain Project and EBRAINS Research Infrastructure to launch and fund new call for research projects. Dedaline: 30A pril 2021

  • Horizon Europe: 4 bandi emergenza con scadenza 6 aprile 2021


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