
MaSTLab, where the black sheets dissolve and become fertilizers

Bioplastics, scaffolds, intelligent polymers. The chain of innovative materials at the University of Brescia brings its researchers together in a single physical place, side by side. The projects are mixed – academic and private; recipients of different sectors: mechanics, automotive, agriculture, biomedical. Within MaSTLab, the Materials Science and Technology laboratory of the Department of Mechanical […]

MaSTLab, where the black sheets dissolve and become fertilizers Leggi tutto »

Electronic noses in backpacks and “tests” similar to a game – Prof. Lucchini, project manager

The first phase of the research started in the second half of the Nineties, from a collaboration between the University of Brescia and the Italghisa of Bagnolo that at the time was working in ferroalloys. The analyzes involved the company’s workers, but also the population of the country. The study aimed to identify the effects

Electronic noses in backpacks and “tests” similar to a game – Prof. Lucchini, project manager Leggi tutto »

Italcementi, the material that regenerates houses, bridges and infrastructures is born in Brescia

Brescia is also involved in i.power Rigenera, the innovative solution to regenerate buildings and bridges. The product was presented at the Milan fair, Made Expo (among others at the attention of the Governor of Lombardy, Attilio Fontana). To develop the product – a mixture of cement and reinforced fibers capable of restoring the load-bearing structures

Italcementi, the material that regenerates houses, bridges and infrastructures is born in Brescia Leggi tutto »


Webinar “Ethics Compliance under GDPR in Horizon 2020 Health Projects” – 20 March 2019

Join the webinar organised by the Health NCP Project to learn more about the key GDPR approaches and most common ethics concerns in Horizon 2020 Health-related proposals taking place on 20 March 2019. The final aim is to have a useful guidance to ensure ethics compliance in the Health field. The second part will be

Webinar “Ethics Compliance under GDPR in Horizon 2020 Health Projects” – 20 March 2019 Leggi tutto »

The legislation on the protection of personal data – Focus on the management of funded research projects – Rome, 2 April 2019

This training course, organized by APRE, aims to illustrate the main changes in the European Union Regulation no. 679/2016 (Personal Data Protection Code) and national legislation (Personal Data Protection Code of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 amended by Legislative Decree No. 101/2018) with particular attention to the application in the management of the programs and research

The legislation on the protection of personal data – Focus on the management of funded research projects – Rome, 2 April 2019 Leggi tutto »

Horizon Europe

Over 500 people in Ferrara from all over Italy at the event “Verso Horizon Europe. Missions – What expectations “(March 12, 2019)

Over 500 people from all over Italy, including Dr. Chirico of the Research and Technology Transfer Service of our University, participated on 12 March 2019 in the event organized by the University of Ferrara, in close collaboration with APRE, Aster and Emilia-Romagna Region, dedicated to the next framework program of the European Union on research

Over 500 people in Ferrara from all over Italy at the event “Verso Horizon Europe. Missions – What expectations “(March 12, 2019) Leggi tutto »

SiMBiT: bioelectronics for early diagnosis of tumors

An intelligent bio-transistor for the detection, at a molecular level, of bio-protein and genomic markers, with analysis times of a few hours, which opens new horizons in the early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, but not only. An absolutely innovative system, to which the Microelectronics research group of the Department of Information Engineering of the University

SiMBiT: bioelectronics for early diagnosis of tumors Leggi tutto »

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