
Prof. Marco Campi is a Fellow of IFAC

Professor.Marco Campi was appointed Fellow of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC). This title is assigned to a small number of researchers in recognition of their extraordinary contributions in the field of automatic controls. Professor Campi received this award with the following motivation: “for his contributions to data-driven methods in systems and control”. The […]

Prof. Marco Campi is a Fellow of IFAC Leggi tutto »

Prof. Marco Metra first author of a work published in the New England Journal of Medicine

Prof. Marco Metra, full professor of cardiology at the Department of Medical-Surgical Specialties, Radiological Sciences and Public Health, is the first author of the paper “Effects of Serelaxin in Patients with Acute Heart Failure“, published in the New England Journal of Medicine ( NEJM). The magazine, founded in 1812, is at the top for authority

Prof. Marco Metra first author of a work published in the New England Journal of Medicine Leggi tutto »


New record for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships call

The Research Executive Agency has received 9 875 proposals for the three MSCA Individual Fellowships calls that closed yesterday, 11 September. This represents a small increase compared to last year. Just over €300 million are available to fund researchers mobility in all areas of science. €6 million are earnmarked to the widening fellowships which aim providing support to researchers to undertake 

New record for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships call Leggi tutto »


“Towards Horizon Europe” – Document in view of the strategic plan

APRE has published “Towards Horizon Europe“, its positioning document in preparation for the strategic plan of the next European Research and Innovation Framework Program. The document – whose elaboration involved all the Members – represents the contribution of APRE to the strategic planning process of Horizon Europe and to the definition of R&I priorities for

“Towards Horizon Europe” – Document in view of the strategic plan Leggi tutto »

Online ISTAT publication “Research and development in Italy”

ISTAT recently published the “Research and Development in Italy” report for the two-year period 2017-2019. It is estimated that in 2017 intra-muros R&D expenditure in all institutional sectors (companies, public institutions, private non-profit institutions and universities) amounts to almost € 23.8 billion. The private sector spends € 15.2 billion on intra-muros R&D, almost all of

Online ISTAT publication “Research and development in Italy” Leggi tutto »

New service of the European Commission to disseminate and enhance the results of funded projects

The European Commission has launched a new call for expressions of interest dedicated to projects funded under Horizon 2020 and FP7 that need support to disseminate and / or increase their potential for use. Those interested can be supported and benefit from tailor-made services to increase their ability to disseminate research results, increasing their possibilities

New service of the European Commission to disseminate and enhance the results of funded projects Leggi tutto »

Palazzo Martinengo sede del Rettorato

New projects funded for the University of Brescia

The National Institute of Health (NIH) funded the project “RYAN INST – Impairment of Spinal Development in Cerebral Palsy”, presented by the University of Rhode Island, as coordinator, to which the University of Brescia participates as a partner, with the scientific director Francesco Negro, member of the Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences. The total

New projects funded for the University of Brescia Leggi tutto »

commissione europea

Academic petition against the name of the new portfolio “Innovation and Youth” by Mariya Gabriel

More than 9000 representatives of the scientific and academic world have joined the petition to ask that the new Commissioner Mariya Gabriel’s portfolio be renamed “Education, Research, Innovation and Youth” The request is opposed to the decision of the European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen to imply the dimension of education and research in

Academic petition against the name of the new portfolio “Innovation and Youth” by Mariya Gabriel Leggi tutto »


Public consultation on future Horizon Europe R&I partnerships opened

The European Commission has opened a consultation on the 12 research and innovation partnerships proposed for the Horizon Europe 2021-2027 program, with the aim of assessing their actual relevance for research, industry and all stakeholders . Partnerships for research and innovation play a crucial role in addressing global challenges, from identifying new and pioneering ways

Public consultation on future Horizon Europe R&I partnerships opened Leggi tutto »


Horizon Europe: Mariya Gabriel will be the new commissioner in charge of R&I

The new President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen has appointed Mariya Gabriel Commissioner for the new portfolio “Innovation and Youth” which integrates the research, innovation and education sectors. Starting November 1, 2019, Mariya Gabriel will therefore leave the role of Digital Agenda Commissioner and take over the management of the largest ever

Horizon Europe: Mariya Gabriel will be the new commissioner in charge of R&I Leggi tutto »