
UNITA Matching Event della Ricerca

Sono aperte le candidature per la partecipazione ai Matching Event della Ricerca organizzati nell’ambito dell’Alleanza UNITA. Gli eventi, della durata di due giorni, hanno lo scopo di connettere ricercatori e ricercatrici delle 12 Università dell’Alleanza per favorire la creazione di nuove collaborazioni scientifiche e nuove opportunità di sviluppo per i progetti di ricerca, rafforzando nello stesso […]

UNITA Matching Event della Ricerca Leggi tutto »

ricerca europea

Europe’s global approach to cooperation in research and innovation: strategic, open, and reciprocal

The Commission adopted a Communication on its Global Approach to Research and Innovation, Europe’s strategy for international cooperation in a changing world. With this, the EU aims to take a leading role in supporting international research and innovation partnerships, and to deliver innovative solutions to make our societies green, digital and healthy. Excellent research needs

Europe’s global approach to cooperation in research and innovation: strategic, open, and reciprocal Leggi tutto »

uropean Innovation Council EIC

EIC – European Innovation Council: Work Programme has been published

The European Commission has published the EIC 2021 Work Program. The funding opportunities will be multiple and will be developed through three main tools: Pathfinder: for advanced research based on disruptive technologies capable of creating new markets; Transition: to transform research results into innovative opportunities; Accelerator: for individual companies with breakthrough innovations and potential high

EIC – European Innovation Council: Work Programme has been published Leggi tutto »

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