
The robot sows plates of bacterial cultures. The collaboration between Copan and UNIBS

The start of the MicrobIA project (acronym of Microbiology Image Analysis) in 2013 gave way not only to an innovation process that has not yet stopped, but also to a fruitful and solid collaboration between a company and the University. It is the story of Copan and of the research group coordinated by Dr. Alberto […]

The robot sows plates of bacterial cultures. The collaboration between Copan and UNIBS Leggi tutto »


National Launch Day of the 2020 Call for Secure Clean and Efficient Energy – Rome, 1 July 2019

APRE is pleased to invite you to the national information day launching the 2020 call for proposals in SC3, Secure Clean and Efficient Energy. The day, organized by APRE on behalf of the MIUR and in close collaboration with prof. Basosi, national delegate of Horizon 2020 for SC3, will be held in Rome on Monday

National Launch Day of the 2020 Call for Secure Clean and Efficient Energy – Rome, 1 July 2019 Leggi tutto »

New international cooperation agreement between the University of Brescia and the National University of Civil Engineering – Hanoi (Vietnam)

With Rector’s Decree n. 352 of 8 May 2019 a new international cooperation agreement was approved between our University and the National University of Civil Engineering with headquarters in Hanoi (Vietnam), presented by Prof. Roberto Ranzi, a member of the Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture, Territory, Environment and Mathematics. The agreement, signed for the first

New international cooperation agreement between the University of Brescia and the National University of Civil Engineering – Hanoi (Vietnam) Leggi tutto »

Webinar – How to structure the budget in ERC Advanced projects – 21 June 2019

The webinar, promoted by APRE, intends to provide some suggestions and useful tips on how to structure the budget of a project presented in an ERC Advanced tender. In particular we will focus on which are the eligible and non-eligible costs, and on the individual cost items (personnel, purchase of research machinery, travel, subcontracting, etc.).

Webinar – How to structure the budget in ERC Advanced projects – 21 June 2019 Leggi tutto »

Visiting Professor – prof. Alessandro Tonello

Prof. Alessandro Tonello is Visiting Professor at the Department of Information Engineering in the period 16 / 4-31 / 5/2019. During his stay, he is conducting a 20-hour lectures course for students of the Microwave Engineering course during which he illustrates some photonic microwave solutions on control units, lasers and optical systems for the synthesis

Visiting Professor – prof. Alessandro Tonello Leggi tutto »


EU Commission opens recruitment for Horizon Europe mission boards

The European Commission put out a call on 13 May for applications to join the advisory boards of the new research missions that are to be set up under Horizon Europe, the proposed €94.1 billion research programme. There is one call for five boards, corresponding to the five broad themes or “mission areas”, but applicants can express

EU Commission opens recruitment for Horizon Europe mission boards Leggi tutto »

Japan and the EU want to deepen research ties

Japan and the EU are aiming to expand cooperation in science, including collaborating on high-profile ‘moonshot’ projects and the ethics of artificial intelligence. Fresh from a bilateral summit one week ago, held to review the implementation of the Japan-EU free trade agreement, EU Research commissioner Carlos Moedas met Japan’s Science Minister Takuya Hirai in Brussels,

Japan and the EU want to deepen research ties Leggi tutto »

Webinar – How to write an ERC Advanced Grant project – 14 June 2019

The webinar intends to provide some suggestions and useful tips on how to write a proposal in an ERC Advanced call. The webinar will focus on the project writing phase, therefore it is strongly recommended to participate in anyone who intends to write a proposal to be presented in the Advanced Grant funding scheme. The

Webinar – How to write an ERC Advanced Grant project – 14 June 2019 Leggi tutto »


Who are the best Horizon 2020 networkers? European Commission analysis

Horizon 2020 mainly concerns collaborative research projects: groups of researchers who come from different organizations, from at least three countries, to carry out EU-funded research and development activities. But clearly, some countries are more important than others in creating these consortia. This diagram, produced by the European Commission, shows the network of collaborations on Horizon

Who are the best Horizon 2020 networkers? European Commission analysis Leggi tutto »

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