Non EU

Governo del Canada – Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships 2022

The Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program provides funding to the very best postdoctoral applicants, both nationally and internationally, who will positively contribute to the country’s economic, social and research-based growth. The objective of the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program is to: attract and retain top-tier postdoctoral talent, both nationally and internationally develop their leadership potential position them for success […]

Governo del Canada – Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships 2022 Leggi tutto »

Mizutani Foundation for Glycoscience – Research Grant

La Fondazione Mizutani Glycoscience invita a presentare candidature per sovvenzioni per studi di ricerca di base nel campo della glicoscienza. Il finanziamento può essere di massimo 7.000.000 ¥ (72.800 euro circa). La durata della borsa è di un anno, ma un prolungamento di un ulteriore anno può essere richiesto. Non più del 10% del contributo può essere utilizzato per i costi

Mizutani Foundation for Glycoscience – Research Grant Leggi tutto »

American Society of Hematology – Global Research Award

The American Society of Hematology invites applications for its global research award. This supports haematologists between completion of training and the establishment of their independent careers. The following types of projects are considered: haematology research, including basic, translational, patient-oriented and outcomes-based research; requests for training at other institutions by trainees or early-career investigators, pilot studies,

American Society of Hematology – Global Research Award Leggi tutto »

National Multiple Sclerosis Society – Biostatistics/Informatics Junior Faculty Award

The National MS Society established a junior faculty award in biostatistics/ informatics/computational biology, with funding from the Marilyn Hilton MS Research Fund. The goal is to create protected time for a junior faculty member to collaborate with an established MS research group to develop expertise in MS clinical trials, real-world evidence, epidemiology, data mining, and/or

National Multiple Sclerosis Society – Biostatistics/Informatics Junior Faculty Award Leggi tutto »

University of Southern California – Tyler prize for environmental achievement

The University of Southern California invites nominations for the Tyler prize for environmental achievement. This recognises achievement in the fields of environmental science, health and energy that has conferred great benefit upon humanity. Prizes recognise outstanding contributions to: •protection, maintenance, improvement, or understanding of an ecological or an environmental condition; •discovery, development, or improvement of

University of Southern California – Tyler prize for environmental achievement Leggi tutto »

Lupus Research Alliance – Global team science award

The Lupus Research Alliance invites letters of intent for its global team science award. This supports projects that bridge research and clinical efforts in lupus. Projects should focus on unraveling human lupus heterogeneity by applying cutting-edge technologies to address critical questions that could bring about breakthroughs in lupus care, research or drug development. Applicants must

Lupus Research Alliance – Global team science award Leggi tutto »

National Rosacea Society – Research Grant 2022

The Society awards grants of $10,000 to $25,000 or higher in special cases for research on rosacea. Because the etiology of rosacea is unknown, high priority is given to research in such areas as the pathogenesis, progression, mechanism of action, cell biology and potential genetic factors of this conspicuous and often life-disruptive condition. Studies may

National Rosacea Society – Research Grant 2022 Leggi tutto »

National Eye Institute – Research grant for vision related secondary data analysis

The National Eye Institute invites applications for its research grant for vision related secondary data analysis (R21 clinical trial not allowed) funding opportunity. This supports vision-related secondary data analyses utilising existing data sets from vision-related clinical trials, epidemiologic, and other clinical research studies. Eligible applicants include US and foreign for-profit or non-profit organisations and public

National Eye Institute – Research grant for vision related secondary data analysis Leggi tutto »

International Society Eye Research – Paul Kayser international award in retina research

The International Society for Eye Research, in collaboration with the Retina Research Foundation, invites applications for the Paul Kayser international award in retina research. This supports research in the area of the retina, its role in the visual process and the retinal diseases that threaten or destroy eyesight. The award is worth USD 50,000. Deadline:

International Society Eye Research – Paul Kayser international award in retina research Leggi tutto »

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