
International exchanges scheme – Italy cost-share programme

The Royal Society, in collaboration with the National Research Council of Italy, invites applications for the Italy cost-share programme under the international exchanges scheme. This stimulates new collaborations within the natural sciences between scientists in the UK and Italy. Eligible research subjects include the following: physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, engineering, agricultural, biological and medical […]

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Fundaciòn BBVA

Fundacion BBVA – Frontiers of knowledge awards

The BBVA Foundation invites nominations for its frontiers of knowledge awards. These recognise world-class research and artistic creation in areas of scientific knowledge, technology and humanities. Awards are available in eight categories: Basic Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics) Biology and Biomedicine Information and Communication Technologies Ecology and Conservation Biology Climate Change Economics, Finance and Management Humanities

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Share BioData: al via il COVID-19 pro-bono program

Al via il COVID-19 pro-bono program per favorire la ricerca scientifica relativa alla cura e allo sviluppo di un vaccino per il Coronavirus. Il bando si rivolge ai laboratori accademici, alle organizzazioni no-profit e a piccole startup, che potranno avere accesso gratuito al Labguru electronic laboratory notebook (ELN) e a risorse cloud, per un valore fino a 1

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L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science International Awards – call aperta

E’ aperta la call for nomination dell’edizione internazionale del Premio L’Oréal-UNESCO “For Women in Science”. L’edizione 2021 del premio internazionale darà un contributo di € 100.000 a cinque scienziate eccellenti, una per ciascuno dei cinque continenti, nei seguenti campi: Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science. Tre delle vincitrici del Premio L’Oréal-UNESCO hanno vinto successivamente il

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Gerda Henkel foundation – Research Projects 2020

The grants for research projects involve, depending on the type of project, the assumption of costs for personnel, travel, materials and/or other costs. For projects that are conducted by one scholar alone, a research scholarship has to be applied for. Project staff on research projects may only be financed by PhD or research grants. A

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Impresa Sociale con i Bambini

Impresa Sociale Con i Bambini – Iniziativa A Braccia Aperte

Si chiama “A braccia aperte” il  bando promosso da Con i Bambini nell’ambito del Fondo per il contrasto della povertà educativa minorile per sostenere interventi, da progettare insieme a partenariati qualificati e con esperienza, a favore degli orfani di vittime di crimini domestici e femminicidio. A disposizione complessivamente 10 milioni di euro, in funzione della

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Logo AriSLA

Bando per progetti di ricerca scientifica sulla SLA

Fondazione AriSLA lancia il nuovo Bando per finanziare l’eccellenza della ricerca scientifica sulla SLA in Italia. Possono partecipare al Bando i ricercatori di Università e di Istituti di ricerca italiani pubblici e privati non profit. Il Bando AriSLA 2020 prevede la possibilità di presentare sia “Pilot Grant” o “Full Grant”. I primi hanno l’obiettivo di sperimentare nuove idee e

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Call for proposals to promote and protect the rights of persons with disabilities

The Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion invites applications for its call for proposals to promote and protect the rights of persons with disabilities. This aims to promote the collection, exchange and dissemination of innovative good practice for the rights of persons with disabilities and for their active inclusion and full participation in the

Call for proposals to promote and protect the rights of persons with disabilities Leggi tutto »

The Michael J.Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research – Bando Target Advancement Program

The Target Advancement Program is open to industry and academic investigators proposing to build conclusive evidence to rationalize biological targets and pathways for Parkinson’s disease (PD) therapeutic development. Part of our Edmond J. Safra Core Programs for PD Research, this program will support projects focused on validating targets and defining pathways implicated in PD pathological processes

The Michael J.Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research – Bando Target Advancement Program Leggi tutto »

The Michael J.Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research – Bando Parkinson’s Pathway Biomarkers

Currently, many efforts are focusing on understanding the role of various cellular processes/pathways in PD and uncovering novel targets within these pathways for therapeutic development. As such, sensitive biomarker readouts for these pathways will be critical for bridging the gap from basic to translational research and clinical trials. The Parkinson’s Pathway Biomarkers program is open

The Michael J.Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research – Bando Parkinson’s Pathway Biomarkers Leggi tutto »

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