
American Academy of Neurology

American Academy of Neurology – Potamkin prize for research in Pick’s, Alzheimer’s and related diseases

The American Academy of Neurology, with sponsorship from the American Brain Foundation, invites applications for the Potamkin prize for research in Pick’s, Alzheimer’s and related diseases. This recognises contributions to the understanding of the causes, prevention, treatment and cure for Pick’s, Alzheimer’s and related diseases. Applicants may be engaged in the discipline of neurology, neuropathology, […]

American Academy of Neurology – Potamkin prize for research in Pick’s, Alzheimer’s and related diseases Leggi tutto »

American Academy of Neurology

American Academy of Neurology – Sheila Essey award for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis research

The American Academy of Neurology and the ALS Association, with the support of the Essey family, invite applications for the Sheila Essey award for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis research. This recognises an individual who has made significant research contributions to the search for the cause, prevention of, and cure for ALS. The award is worth USD

American Academy of Neurology – Sheila Essey award for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis research Leggi tutto »

Horizon Europe: aperto il primo bando del partenariato congiunto Driving Urban Transitions

È aperto il bando DUT 2022, il primo bando congiunto del partenariato DUT-Driving Urban Transitions, finanziato dalla Commissione europea nell’ambito del programma di partenariato Horizon Europe. L’obiettivo del bando è quello di sostenere progetti di ricerca e/o innovazione transnazionali che affrontino le sfide urbane per aiutare le città nella loro transizione verso un’economia e un funzionamento più sostenibili.  Le sfide sono raggruppate in tre temi chiamati percorsi

Horizon Europe: aperto il primo bando del partenariato congiunto Driving Urban Transitions Leggi tutto »

MISE: Bando proof of concept per la valorizzazione dei brevetti

Si è aperto il  24 settembre u.s. il bando promosso dal Ministero dello sviluppo economico (MISE) per progetti Proof of Concept (PoC) di valorizzazione dei brevetti promosse da Università, Enti pubblici di ricerca e IRCCS. Finanziato nell’ambito del Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR), il bando vuole supportare le invenzioni brevettate dal mondo della ricerca, così da sostenere il trasferimento tecnologico e l’innovazione da parte del sistema industriale.

MISE: Bando proof of concept per la valorizzazione dei brevetti Leggi tutto »

Bright focus

Bright Focus Foundation: Alzheimer’s Disease Research Program

Since 1985, the Alzheimer’s Disease Research (ADR) program has awarded nearly $140 million to support promising research in fields ranging from molecular biology to genetics to epidemiology. ADR is currently supporting 133 outstanding biomedical researcher projects. The Alzheimer’s Disease Research Program offers two types of awards: Standard Awards The standard award provides significant funding for

Bright Focus Foundation: Alzheimer’s Disease Research Program Leggi tutto »

Russel Sage Foundation – Pipeline grants competition

The Russell Sage Foundation invites applications for its pipeline grants competition. This supports early- and mid-career tenure-track scholars in conducting research on structural barriers to economic mobility and how individuals, communities and governments have come to understand, navigate and challenge the existence of systemic inequalities. Areas of interest include: •COVID-19 and its effects; •policy impacts

Russel Sage Foundation – Pipeline grants competition Leggi tutto »


Online il secondo bando Women Wanted!

APRE, partner del progetto W4RES, è lieta di informarvi dell’apertura del secondo bando “Women Wanted!” per selezionare progetti/iniziative/idee imprenditoriali – di qualsiasi azienda, organizzazione o persona – promossi da donne nel settore delle Renewable Heating and Cooling solutions (RHC) in otto paesi europei: Belgio, Bulgaria, Danimarca, Germania, Grecia, Italia, Norvegia, Slovacchia.La call è aperta fino

Online il secondo bando Women Wanted! Leggi tutto »

Simmons Foundation

Simmons Foundation – Simons Collaborations in Mathematics and the Physical Sciences

The Simons Foundation’s Mathematics and Physical Sciences (MPS) division invites applications for the Simons Collaborations in MPS program. The aim of the Simons Collaborations in MPS program is to stimulate progress on fundamental scientific questions of major importance in mathematics, theoretical physics and theoretical computer science. A Simons Collaboration in MPS should address a mathematical

Simmons Foundation – Simons Collaborations in Mathematics and the Physical Sciences Leggi tutto »

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