Lupus Research Alliance – Global team science award

The Lupus Research Alliance invites letters of intent for its global team science award. This supports projects that bridge research and clinical efforts in lupus. Projects should focus on unraveling human lupus heterogeneity by applying cutting-edge technologies to address critical questions that could bring about breakthroughs in lupus care, research or drug development.

Applicants must hold an MD, PhD, DVM or equivalent academic degree and hold a faculty position or equivalent at a college, university, medical school or comparable institution. Applications may be submitted by domestic or foreign non-profit organisations, public or private, such as colleges, universities, hospitals or laboratories. It must consist of three to five co-principal investigators.

Up to six planning grants worth up to USD 10,000 each will be made available. Of these up to three will receive the global team science award worth up to USD 3 million for up to three years.

Deadline: 1st August 2022

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