American Society of Hematology – Global Research Award

The American Society of Hematology invites applications for its global research award. This supports haematologists between completion of training and the establishment of their independent careers. The following types of projects are considered: haematology research, including basic, translational, patient-oriented and outcomes-based research; requests for training at other institutions by trainees or early-career investigators, pilot studies, collaborative projects and other proposals for career development. Examples of potential projects include, but are not limited to:

•projects advancing the diagnostic capabilities or therapeutic care delivery of hematological illnesses in developing regions;

•projects addressing hematological illnesses of high incidence and impact in the applicant’s home region;

•projects incorporating cross-disciplinary collaborations aimed at enhancing regional scientific and care capabilities for hematologic illnesses;

•projects enhancing career development of individuals who will play future leadership roles in regional scientific and care delivery roles for hematologic illnesses.

Applicants must be based outside of the US and Canada. Individuals with an MD, PhD, MD-PhD or an equivalent degree may apply. Applicants holding an MD should have graduated no more than 16 years prior to application, or have no more than 10 years of postdoctoral experience after graduation. Applicants holding both MD and PhD degrees must be within 16 years of graduation while PhD applicants should have at least one year of experience. They must also be members of the society in good standing. ASH members eligible for this award include: early-career international members, international associate members and active and associate members who reside in Mexico and otherwise meet the training and professional experience criteria outlined above.

Project length may vary from six months to three years depending on the proposed project need. For projects of one year or less, applicants may request up to USD 100,000. For projects of more than one year, applicants may request up to USD 150,000.

Deadline: 31st August 2023.

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