The day, organized by APRE on behalf of the MIUR and in close collaboration with prof. Fabio Fava, National representative and chair of the States Representatives Group BBI JU, will be held in Rome on May 14th 2019.
During the information day, the new 2019 work plan of the BBI program will be presented, opening on 4 April with an expected deadline on 4 September 2019.
Twenty-one topics are present in the new call, for a total budget of around 135 million euros.
The day will not only offer information about the opportunities of the call, but it will also be an opportunity for discussion and discussion among the main Italian players in the sector who, in addition to identifying the main difficulties for a successful Italian participation, will together seek to enhance the factors in favor of a winning proposal.
Participation is free and registrations are available on the APRE website.
The Bio-based Industries initiative is a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) between the European Commission and the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) of a strongly transversal nature with interests ranging from food to materials, to energy, to the environment and transport.
The ultimate goal of the BBI initiative is to facilitate technological innovations that allow an efficient and sustainable conversion of biomass into industrial products and fuels / energy within the so-called bio-refineries in order to put the latter in a position to compete for price and quality with products based on fossil resources.