Maker Faire 2019: registration for the Makers open!

Maker Faire, the most important innovation fair, returns to Rome from 18 to 20 October 2019; organized by the Chamber of Commerce of Rome, Maker Faire combines science, science fiction, technology and business in a single space, turning the spotlight on hundreds of DIY ideas and projects from all over the world.

Experts, but also technology and science enthusiasts, schools, students, universities, research centers and artists are invited to participate as exhibitors, showing their creations, innovative products, prototypes and research projects in all sectors: crafts, clothing, design, electronics, art, robotics, chemistry, engineering, etc.

The deadline for the presentation of the projects is set for June 24, 2019; the selected projects will participate for free and will be published on the social media website.

Sale to the public is permitted.

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