european battery alliance

BatteRIes Europe Platform: launch of the new research and innovation platform in the battery sector

On June 25, the BatteRIes Europe research and innovation platform was officially launched in Brussels, bringing together public and private stakeholders along the entire battery production value chain.

As underlined in the Strategic Action Plan for Batteries, research in this area must be coordinated at European level in all its aspects, from raw materials to aspects related to recycling.

BatteRIes Europe will be a forum for setting up a strategic program of research and innovation in the field of batteries and as an important platform for cooperation in this field.

The platform will not constitute a financial instrument but will combine different funding systems, such as Horizon 2020 and its successor Horizon Europe, the EFRD and Projects of Common European Interest.

In parallel, a new matchmaking platform will be inaugurated within the European Battery Alliance, involving project promoters and investors. The two platforms will be strongly interconnected: innovative ideas proposed by the members of the BatteRIes Europe Platform will find easier access to the market through the matchmaking platform.

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