
APRE Roundtable towards Horizon Europe “EIC, Clusters and Missions” – Executive Report

The second pillar clusters, the R&I missions, the European Innovation Council: three of the most debated issues in the world of European R&I will become reality with the launch of the next Horizon Europe framework program.
APRE organized last June 13 in Brussels, as part of the series of initiatives “Towards Horizon Europe”, the round table “EIC, Clusters and Missions – A Threefold Perspective to Empower Innovation”.
APRE has put around a table high-level representatives of the European Commission and a good number of R&I actors (Italian and foreign) to facilitate an exchange of views on three of the key innovations of the next program, with the aim of putting in
light possible suggestions for their definition, governance and implementation.

The main conclusions of the round table can be found in the produced Executive Report.

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