
National day of launch of the Secure Societies Horizon 2020 calls – Protection of the freedom and security of Europe and its citizens – Rome, 5 December 2019

The day, organized by APRE on behalf of the MIUR and in close collaboration with the Representative of the specific Configuration, Maurizio Aiello (Institute of electronics and information engineering and telecommunications – CNR), wants to support Italian participation in the last two years of H2020 in view of the future programming 2021-2027 of Horizon Europe.

The European Commission will present the main opportunities related to the Secure Societies Work Program – Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens.

The results of the Italian participation will then be presented, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses.

This will be followed by a presentation on one of the most important topics of the new Security Call, namely the Artificial Intellingence and its implications on the subject and a presentation focused on the mechanisms for evaluating proposals in the Security area.

The day will end with a round table, aimed at providing an overview on the topic of security seen from different perspectives and different actors, including the Law Enforcement Agencies, international organizations etc.

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