Coronavirus – business continuity measures at the ERC
The ERC is taking steps to try to minimise the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic on its operations, while ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our staff and the people with whom we work.
Like other Commission Services and Agencies, the majority of our staff are now working remotely. We are doing our best to ensure that they remain fully operational during this exceptional period.
Our grant management activities are continuing as usual, although it is not excluded that certain technical and/or IT access constraints might affect our response timeline. The competent central services are doing their best to minimise the impact.
Panel evaluations of proposals are currently being organised remotely. We are confident that this will allow us to finalise the ongoing Step 1 evaluations of Starting Grants by the end of this week. We are grateful to our panel members and applicants for their flexibility and understanding, and to our staff for working under very challenging circumstances prior and during such remote panel meetings. For the moment, we do not anticipate any delays with upcoming evaluations or application deadlines.
We are continuing to monitor the situation closely and will provide further information as necessary to grantees and applicants. We invite you to consult this website and our social media accounts (Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook) regularly for updates.