
Honorary Visiting Professor – prof. Manuel Berenguel

On Tuesday 21 May at the Apollo Hall of the Rectorate, the title of Honorary Visiting Professor was officially conferred on Prof. Manuel Berenguel, Professor of the Universidad de Almeria (Spain), one of the most famous international experts in the control of solar energy plants. Prof. Berenguel collaborates with the University of Brescia as a […]

Honorary Visiting Professor – prof. Manuel Berenguel Leggi tutto »

The robot sows plates of bacterial cultures. The collaboration between Copan and UNIBS

The start of the MicrobIA project (acronym of Microbiology Image Analysis) in 2013 gave way not only to an innovation process that has not yet stopped, but also to a fruitful and solid collaboration between a company and the University. It is the story of Copan and of the research group coordinated by Dr. Alberto

The robot sows plates of bacterial cultures. The collaboration between Copan and UNIBS Leggi tutto »

Visiting Professor – prof. Alessandro Tonello

Prof. Alessandro Tonello is Visiting Professor at the Department of Information Engineering in the period 16 / 4-31 / 5/2019. During his stay, he is conducting a 20-hour lectures course for students of the Microwave Engineering course during which he illustrates some photonic microwave solutions on control units, lasers and optical systems for the synthesis

Visiting Professor – prof. Alessandro Tonello Leggi tutto »

MaSTLab, where the black sheets dissolve and become fertilizers

Bioplastics, scaffolds, intelligent polymers. The chain of innovative materials at the University of Brescia brings its researchers together in a single physical place, side by side. The projects are mixed – academic and private; recipients of different sectors: mechanics, automotive, agriculture, biomedical. Within MaSTLab, the Materials Science and Technology laboratory of the Department of Mechanical

MaSTLab, where the black sheets dissolve and become fertilizers Leggi tutto »

Italcementi, the material that regenerates houses, bridges and infrastructures is born in Brescia

Brescia is also involved in i.power Rigenera, the innovative solution to regenerate buildings and bridges. The product was presented at the Milan fair, Made Expo (among others at the attention of the Governor of Lombardy, Attilio Fontana). To develop the product – a mixture of cement and reinforced fibers capable of restoring the load-bearing structures

Italcementi, the material that regenerates houses, bridges and infrastructures is born in Brescia Leggi tutto »