
Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation – Prevention pipeline

Through its Prevention beyond the pipeline Program,The ADDF seeks to support studies of cognitive symptoms due to health conditions, comparative effectiveness research, and epidemiological studies that probe whether the use or choice of drugs alters the risk for dementia or cognitive decline. Duration: Multi-year Average award: Up to $3,000,000 for clinical trials based on stage […]

Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation – Prevention pipeline Leggi tutto »

Human Frontier Science Programme – Long -Term and Cross-Disciplinary Fellowships

Il programma Long-Term Fellowships finanzia borse rivolte a ricercatori nel campo della biologia per svolgere un periodo di training in un’area di ricerca diversa dalla propria, ma sempre nell’ambito delle scienze naturali. I candidati dovrebbero proporre un significativo cambiamento nell’indirizzo di ricerca o nel metodo di ricerca. Il programma Cross-Disciplinary Fellowships finanzia borse rivolte a

Human Frontier Science Programme – Long -Term and Cross-Disciplinary Fellowships Leggi tutto »

Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation – Neuroimaging and CSF Biomarker development program

Given the pathological heterogeneity of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, new biomarkers are needed to more accurately characterize specific underlying pathophysiology. This RFP seeks to support the development of CSF and neuroimaging biomarkers for multiple contexts of use (see below) that include but are not limited to: Demonstrate target engagement for novel therapeutics Biomarkers that

Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation – Neuroimaging and CSF Biomarker development program Leggi tutto »

Partnership for Clean Competition – Fellowship Program

Il programma di fellowship prevede due diversi percorsi: Laboratory Track: rivolto ai candidati che desiderano intraprendere una carriera all’interno di un laboratorio antidoping Research Track: rivolto a candidati che desiderano contribuire a un progetto di ricerca antidoping di alta qualità all’interno di un ente accademico (laboratorio non WADA). Le fellowship sono rivolte a ricercatori in possesso di un

Partnership for Clean Competition – Fellowship Program Leggi tutto »

Heinrich Wieland Prize – Boehringer Ingelheim Stiftung

The international Heinrich Wieland Prize honours distinguished scientists for their outstanding research on biologically active molecules and systems in the fields of chemistry, biochemistry, and physiology as well as their clinical importance. The prize is endowed with 100,000 euros by the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation and named after Heinrich Wieland (1877-1957), Nobel Laureate in Chemistry in

Heinrich Wieland Prize – Boehringer Ingelheim Stiftung Leggi tutto »

Fundaciòn BBVA

Fundacion BBVA – Frontiers of knowledge awards

The BBVA Foundation invites nominations for its frontiers of knowledge awards. These recognise world-class research and artistic creation in areas of scientific knowledge, technology and humanities. Awards are available in eight categories: Basic Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics) Biology and Biomedicine Information and Communication Technologies Ecology and Conservation Biology Climate Change Economics, Finance and Management Humanities

Fundacion BBVA – Frontiers of knowledge awards Leggi tutto »

Human Frontier Science Programme – Research Grants Award 2022

HFSP Research Grants support innovative basic research into fundamental biological problems with emphasis placed on novel and interdisciplinary approaches that involve scientific exchanges across national and disciplinary boundaries. Projects are expected to be at the frontiers of knowledge and therefore entail risk. Participation of scientists from disciplines outside the traditional life sciences such as biophysics, chemistry, computational biology,

Human Frontier Science Programme – Research Grants Award 2022 Leggi tutto »

Lalor Foundation – Fellowship Program call 2021

The Lalor Foundation’s Fellowship Program awards fellowships to institutions for basic postdoctoral research in mammalian reproductive biology as related to the regulation of fertility. The Lalor Foundation postdoctoral fellowship program supports promising new researchers in establishing scientific and teaching careers. The mission of the program is to support these researchers early in their work so that they

Lalor Foundation – Fellowship Program call 2021 Leggi tutto »

The Novartis Foundation for Japan

The Novartis Foundation (Japan) for the Promotion of Science – Research Grants

This program is aimed to support creative  and international exchange in the life sciences and related areas of chemistry and information science. The grant is offered to about 35 grants in amount of JPY 1.0 million/researcher. The period of the grant is one year. No expansion is allowed. The grant is offered to the research to

The Novartis Foundation (Japan) for the Promotion of Science – Research Grants Leggi tutto »

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