

Technical table for the viro-immunological surveillance of emerging infections: prof. Arnaldo Caruso and Professor Francesca Caccuri appointed by the Deputy Minister of Health

Professor. Arnaldo Caruso, Full Professor of Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology at the University of Brescia, director of the Laboratory of Microbiology and Virology at the Spedali Civili in Brescia and President of the Italian Society of Virology, was appointed, together with Professor Francesca Caccuri , Associate of the University in the same discipline, member of

Technical table for the viro-immunological surveillance of emerging infections: prof. Arnaldo Caruso and Professor Francesca Caccuri appointed by the Deputy Minister of Health Leggi tutto »


Impact of Covid-19 on HIV patients: a study conducted by the Department of Infectious Diseases demonstrates the importance of support with telemedicine

An observational study conducted by the Department of Infectious Diseases of the University of Brescia at the ASST Spedali Civili in Brescia on 3.875 HIV-infected patients with an average age of over 51 years highlights the importance of follow-up through telemedicine. The research draws attention to the impact of Covid-19 in the care of HIV

Impact of Covid-19 on HIV patients: a study conducted by the Department of Infectious Diseases demonstrates the importance of support with telemedicine Leggi tutto »

ricerca unibs bicocca

Sars-CoV-2: Italian researchers identify new therapeutic perspectives

A research coordinated by the University of Milan-Bicocca conducted together with the University of Brescia, indicates that methotrexate is able to block the duplication and proliferation of the virus in vitro, and therefore has the potential to limit damage in milder patients or early symptoms. The clinical trial will start as soon as possible Milan,

Sars-CoV-2: Italian researchers identify new therapeutic perspectives Leggi tutto »

Gravidanza e covid

Covid-19 and pregnancy: the first definitive evidence of the possibility of transmission of the infection from mother to fetus through the placenta

Brescia research published in Ebiomedicine – The Lancet The so-called “vertical transmission”, although rare, occurs through the passage of the virus from circulating maternal cells to the chorionic villi of the placenta. Positive clinical evolution with rapid recovery of both mother and child. Brescia, 1 September 2020 – A team of researchers from Brescia coordinated

Covid-19 and pregnancy: the first definitive evidence of the possibility of transmission of the infection from mother to fetus through the placenta Leggi tutto »

Francesco Scolari

Nephrology and Covid-19: risk factors for kidney transplant recipients. In the study of the University of Brescia, the largest cohort of patients described so far

Brescia research published in the American Journal of Transplantation. Mortality greater than 25% of patients. Immunosuppressive therapy modified during SARS-CoV2 infection. Brescia, 21 August 2020 – In a study coordinated by the Nephrology of the University of Brescia, directed by prof. Francesco Scolari, the risk factors of unfavorable evolution in kidney transplant patients affected by

Nephrology and Covid-19: risk factors for kidney transplant recipients. In the study of the University of Brescia, the largest cohort of patients described so far Leggi tutto »


Covid-19, SARS, MERS and pandemic influences: comparability of transmissibility, hospitalization and mortality rates

The University of Brescia participates in the international study published in the prestigious Lancet Infectious Diseases magazine. Brescia, 21 July 2020 – An international study of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID), which sees among the authors Prof. Francesco Castelli, Professor of Infectious Diseases of the University of Brescia and Director

Covid-19, SARS, MERS and pandemic influences: comparability of transmissibility, hospitalization and mortality rates Leggi tutto »


Covid-19: Artificial Intelligence and radiographic images to estimate the severity degree of pneumonia

In a study directed and coordinated by the Department of Information Engineering and the Department of Medical-Surgical Specialties, Radiological Sciences and Public Health of the University of Brescia, a group of researchers studied, for the first time internationally, the prognostic capacity of the Artificial Intelligence techniques (Deep Learning and Computer Vision) starting from the analysis

Covid-19: Artificial Intelligence and radiographic images to estimate the severity degree of pneumonia Leggi tutto »

First results from the European project “HG NCoV19 test” for a rapid diagnostic system

The researchers involved in the “HG nCoV19 test” project, selected for funding as part of the special Horizon 2020 call launched in January to address Coronavirus, have obtained approval for the placing on the market of a new rapid diagnostic system for the COVID-19. By bringing together public and private organizations from Ireland, Italy, the

First results from the European project “HG NCoV19 test” for a rapid diagnostic system Leggi tutto »

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