
Open access

World Health Organisation joins Plan S to make health research available for free

All health research funded by the World Health Organisation (WHO) will be free to read online, the agency announced today. The announcement makes WHO the first of the United Nations agencies to join the growing coalition of research funders and charitable foundations implementing Plan S, an initiative spearheaded by the EU to give free access […]

World Health Organisation joins Plan S to make health research available for free Leggi tutto »

UniBs PhD student Serena Ducoli wins the Best Poster Presentation AwardUniBs PhD student Serena Ducoli wins the Best Poster Presentation Award

Serena Ducoli, PhD student in Technology for Health in the first year (by the Chemistry for Technologies laboratory) won the Best Poster Presentation Award, at the conference “International Conference on Microplastic Pollution in the Mediterranean Sea” (Capri, 15-18 September 2019 ). The purpose of the conference, which was attended by experts from the scientific and

UniBs PhD student Serena Ducoli wins the Best Poster Presentation AwardUniBs PhD student Serena Ducoli wins the Best Poster Presentation Award Leggi tutto »


Horizon Europe: there will be no competition between the EIC and the EIT

According to a Science | Business article, there have been many criticisms towards the creation of the European Innovation Council (EIC), as part of the future Horizon Europe research program. Indeed, the risk of duplicating the functions and activities of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) was sustained. Research Director-General Jean-Eric Paquet, on

Horizon Europe: there will be no competition between the EIC and the EIT Leggi tutto »

University of Brescia accredited by Eurostat

UNIBS is now accredited by Eurostat, the European Commission’s Directorate-General, which collects and processes data from EU Member States for statistical purposes, promoting the process of harmonizing statistical methodology among Member States. The researchers belonging to the University will therefore have the possibility of accessing microdata, which may be useful for their research.

University of Brescia accredited by Eurostat Leggi tutto »


National Information Day for the 5th Horizon 2020 Social Challenge ‘Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials’ – Rome, 15 October 2019

On October 15th in Rome, at the CNR’s Marconi Aula (Piazzale Aldo Moro, 7), the National Day of Call 2020 of the SC5 Work Program will be launched: “Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials”. The infoday organized by APRE on behalf of the MIUR and in close collaboration with Prof. Carlo Barbante, Representative of the

National Information Day for the 5th Horizon 2020 Social Challenge ‘Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials’ – Rome, 15 October 2019 Leggi tutto »

2020 EU budget: Council supports continued focus on growth, innovation, security and migration

The Council wants the EU’s budget to continue to focus on strengthening the European economy and boosting its competitiveness. Other priorities include ensuring sufficient funding for migration and the protection of the EU’s external borders, strengthening civil protection, tackling climate change and providing adequate resources for external action in line with the EU’s strategic interests.

2020 EU budget: Council supports continued focus on growth, innovation, security and migration Leggi tutto »


Researcher of the University of Brescia awarded with the ERC Starting Grant

Dr. Elena Verdolini, researcher in  Political Economy at the Department of Law, is one among the 408 researchers awarded with the prestigiuos European Research Council “ERC Starting Grant”, with the  project entitled: “2D4D – Disruptive Digitalization for Decarbonization” based on the link between digitalization and decarbonization. Digital revolution: a support or an obstacle to reach our goals of reducing

Researcher of the University of Brescia awarded with the ERC Starting Grant Leggi tutto »

Palazzo Martinengo sede del Rettorato

New projects funded for the University of Brescia

As part of the European Commission’s Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) program, the project “Identifying Digital Endpoints to Assess FAtigue, Sleep and ActiVities, Daily Living in Neurodegenerative Disorders and Immune-mediated inflammatory diseases”, acronym IDEA-FAST, was funded. The project was submitted by the University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, as coordinating body, to which the University of Brescia participates

New projects funded for the University of Brescia Leggi tutto »