
Palazzo Martinengo sede del Rettorato

New projects funded for the University of Brescia

The Ehlers-Danlos Society, an American body committed to improving the lives of those affected by Ehlers-Danlos syndromes, spectrum disorders of hypermobility and related conditions, has funded the project “RNA sequencing to define pathogenetic mechanisms involved in hypermobile Ehlers -Danlos syndrome and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders “, presented by the University of Brescia, with scientific director Prof. […]

New projects funded for the University of Brescia Leggi tutto »

European research partnerships: the Commission proposes to improve the management methods of the “Joint Undertakings” of Horizon 2020

The European Commission is considering ways to improve the financial management of some of the largest research partnerships. In this regard, Science | Business cites a confidential Commission document which states that multi-partner R&D projects have been the subject of some financial problems deriving from their complex structure. The paper proposes to discuss possible reforms

European research partnerships: the Commission proposes to improve the management methods of the “Joint Undertakings” of Horizon 2020 Leggi tutto »

Palazzo Martinengo sede del Rettorato

New projects funded for the University of Brescia

The European Commission has financed two international projects in which the University of Brescia is involved: the project “Protecting and defending the rights of victims of anti-LGBT hate crimes: Innovative paths through restorative justice” – LetsGoBalking Talking submitted to the European Union under the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Program (2014-2020) by the Universitat de Barcelona,

New projects funded for the University of Brescia Leggi tutto »

Budget 2021-2027: stalled negotiations and possible budget cuts for Horizon Europe

Following the European Council meeting last October 18, the budget for the future Horizon Europe research and innovation program could undergo major cuts. The Finnish Presidency of the Council of the EU has in fact proposed a reduction of the European budget 2021-2027 which overall could go from 35 to 85 billion euros, directly impacting

Budget 2021-2027: stalled negotiations and possible budget cuts for Horizon Europe Leggi tutto »

MIUR: the Research Pact presented

The Ministry of Education, University and Research has launched the “Research Pact“, a strategy articulated in ten points to encourage investment in research, consolidating collaboration between universities, institutions of artistic, musical and high education. coreutica, public research institutions and companies to promote the recovery of the Italian economy. In the document, the commitment to increase

MIUR: the Research Pact presented Leggi tutto »

commissione europea

Sustainable solutions and simpler rules: the results of the consultations on Horizon Europe

A strong focus on sustainable solutions and simpler rules: these were the two recurrent themes shared by more than 8000 respondents who collectively completed two surveys on Horizon Europe. These surveys followed an innovative co-design approach. The first Horizon Europe survey, which ran from 28 June to 4 October 2019, dealt with key strategic orientations

Sustainable solutions and simpler rules: the results of the consultations on Horizon Europe Leggi tutto »


The European Court of Auditors recommends simpler reporting procedures in Horizon Europe

In its annual audit of EU spending, the European Court of Auditors recommended simplifying the rules for the payment of staff costs in the future Horizon Europe research and innovation program. In fact, in 2018 the financing of non-eligible staff costs is the main source of error, in particular in the case of payments to

The European Court of Auditors recommends simpler reporting procedures in Horizon Europe Leggi tutto »

Horizon 2020: published the report that summarizes the opportunities for social sciences and humanities

Net4Society, the international network of the National Contact Points for the Social Challenge 6 “Europe in a changing world: inclusive, innovative and reflective societies”, published the report “Opportunities for Researchers from the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)“. The document includes topics relevant to the social sciences and humanities (which cover a wide range of disciplines,

Horizon 2020: published the report that summarizes the opportunities for social sciences and humanities Leggi tutto »

New international cooperation agreement between the University of Brescia and the University of Liubijana

With Rector’s Decree n. 781 of 30 September 2019 a new international cooperation agreement was approved between our University and the University of Liubijana based in Liubijana (Slovenia) presented by Profs. Vera Parisio, Roberto Ranzi and Corrado Paganelli, respectively belonging to the Departments of Law, Civil Engineering, Architecture, Territory and Environment and Mathematics, and Medical-Surgical

New international cooperation agreement between the University of Brescia and the University of Liubijana Leggi tutto »