Enti finanziatori


Bayer Hemophilia Awards Program

The Bayer Hemophilia Awards Program supports basic and clinical research and education in hemophilia. Through grants provided to early career investigators, fellows in training, and other hemophilia care professionals, the program seeks to support the next steps for the next generation of care and treatment options for people with hemophilia worldwide. Awards available: Basic Research Award: this […]

Bayer Hemophilia Awards Program Leggi tutto »

Italia-Singapore: nuovo bando per progetti congiunti di ricerca

La Direzione Generale per la promozione del Sistema Paese del MAECI ha lanciato un bando per progetti di ricerca congiunti Italia-Singapore. I settori ammessi sono i seguenti: Foodtech Artificial Intelligence Health/Medical (Cancer, Immunology and Skin Research) Photonics Quantum Technology Robotics Hydrogen-related Research Le proposte di Progetto devono essere scritte in lingua inglese e devono coprire la stessa durata dell’Executive Programme (3 anni) dal 2023 al

Italia-Singapore: nuovo bando per progetti congiunti di ricerca Leggi tutto »

Spencer Foundation – Research-Practice Partnerships: Collaborative research for educational change

The Spencer Foundation invites intent to apply forms for its research-practice partnership grants programme. This supports education research projects that engage in collaborative and participatory partnerships. Partnerships that include scholars and institutions of higher education, rural geographic locations and partnerships that deeply engage community-based organisations and families are encouraged. PIs and co-PIs must have a

Spencer Foundation – Research-Practice Partnerships: Collaborative research for educational change Leggi tutto »

Italia-Egitto: nuovo bando per progetti congiunti di ricerca

Nell’ambito dell’Accordo di Cooperazione Scientifica e Tecnologica tra il Governo della Repubblica Italiana e il Governo della Repubblica Araba d’Egitto, la Direzione Generale per la promozione del Sistema Paese del MAECI e il Ministero della Ricerca Scientifica dell’Egitto invitano a presentare proposte progettuali congiunte di Grande Rilevanza nell’ambito dei seguenti settori: Renewable and sustainable Energy Material Science and Engineering Water management, agriculture

Italia-Egitto: nuovo bando per progetti congiunti di ricerca Leggi tutto »

MAECI: avviso per la raccolta di progetti congiunti Italia-Stati Uniti

La Direzione Generale per la promozione del Sistema Paese, Ufficio IX del MAECI, invita a presentare proposte progettuali congiunte italo-statunitensi nell’ambito dei seguenti settori: 1. Climate Change and resilience to Natural Disasters 2. Health and Life Sciences 3. Innovative technologies for sustainable agriculture 4. IT and Industry (limited to Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Materials, Autonomous Vehicles/Systems)

MAECI: avviso per la raccolta di progetti congiunti Italia-Stati Uniti Leggi tutto »

Bright focus

Bright Focus Foundation: Alzheimer’s Disease Research Program

Since 1985, the Alzheimer’s Disease Research (ADR) program has awarded nearly $140 million to support promising research in fields ranging from molecular biology to genetics to epidemiology. ADR is currently supporting 133 outstanding biomedical researcher projects. The Alzheimer’s Disease Research Program offers two types of awards: Standard Awards The standard award provides significant funding for

Bright Focus Foundation: Alzheimer’s Disease Research Program Leggi tutto »

Russel Sage Foundation – Pipeline grants competition

The Russell Sage Foundation invites applications for its pipeline grants competition. This supports early- and mid-career tenure-track scholars in conducting research on structural barriers to economic mobility and how individuals, communities and governments have come to understand, navigate and challenge the existence of systemic inequalities. Areas of interest include: •COVID-19 and its effects; •policy impacts

Russel Sage Foundation – Pipeline grants competition Leggi tutto »

American Academy of Neurology

American Academy of Neurology – Potamkin prize for research in Pick’s, Alzheimer’s and related diseases

The American Academy of Neurology, with sponsorship from the American Brain Foundation, invites applications for the Potamkin prize for research in Pick’s, Alzheimer’s and related diseases. This recognises contributions to the understanding of the causes, prevention, treatment and cure for Pick’s, Alzheimer’s and related diseases. Applicants may be engaged in the discipline of neurology, neuropathology,

American Academy of Neurology – Potamkin prize for research in Pick’s, Alzheimer’s and related diseases Leggi tutto »

American Academy of Neurology

American Academy of Neurology – Sheila Essey award for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis research

The American Academy of Neurology and the ALS Association, with the support of the Essey family, invite applications for the Sheila Essey award for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis research. This recognises an individual who has made significant research contributions to the search for the cause, prevention of, and cure for ALS. The award is worth USD

American Academy of Neurology – Sheila Essey award for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis research Leggi tutto »

Gestione delle acque: pubblicata la call di Water4All per progetti di ricerca e innovazione

Il partenariato transnazionale Water4All ha pubblicato il bando annuale congiunto a tema ‘Management of water resources: resilience, adaptation and mitigation to hydroclimatic extreme events and management tools’. L’obiettivo della call è sostenere progetti di ricerca e innovazione volti a restituire conoscenza, modelli, approcci, strumenti e metodologie per una migliore comprensione dei processi idrologici su diversa scala, in modo da rispondere più efficientemente alle emergenti problematiche sull’acqua

Gestione delle acque: pubblicata la call di Water4All per progetti di ricerca e innovazione Leggi tutto »

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