Enti finanziatori

Velux Stiftung – Research Projects

The Foundation supports basic or applied research project of 1-4 years of duration for approx. CHF 50’000 – CHF 100’000/yr., higher amounts possible depending on project goals. Applicant must be a permanent employee of a university or other permanent research entity and the application has to establish why the Velux Stiftung is necessary for the funding. Funding areas […]

Velux Stiftung – Research Projects Leggi tutto »

The emerging technologies competition – Royal Society of Chemistry

Each year we welcome applications from entrepreneurs who are developing technologies that have a strong chemistry component and fall within one of the following categories: Enabling Technologies Energy Environment Health Following an application round, our judges will carefully review each application and provide helpful feedback. The 24 finalists will be announced in early June and receive: Invaluable

The emerging technologies competition – Royal Society of Chemistry Leggi tutto »

Fundaciòn BBVA

Fundacion BBVA – Biodiversity Conservation Awards

The BBVA Foundation Awards for Biodiversity Conservation seek to recognize and reward the work done by conservationist organizations, institutions and agencies in carrying forward environmental conservation policies and projects, and the efforts of communication professionals who have placed their abilities at the service of protecting our natural heritage. Among the awards there’s only one category which can

Fundacion BBVA – Biodiversity Conservation Awards Leggi tutto »

European Molecular Biology Organization – Young Investigator Programme

Al fine di sostenere i giovani ricercatori all’inizio della loro carriera EMBO concede, attraverso il Programma “Young Investigator”, finanziamenti per progetti di ricerca, nonché benefici aggiuntivi finalizzati ad affermare e a dare visibilità all’eccellenza scientifica dei candidati.I destinatari sono giovani ricercatori in possesso dei seguenti requisiti: essere a capo, da almeno 1 e da non più

European Molecular Biology Organization – Young Investigator Programme Leggi tutto »

European University Institute

EUI – Fernand Braudel Senior Fellowships

Fernand Braudel Senior Fellowships provide a framework for established academics with an international reputation to pursue their research at the European University Institute. Fellowships last for up to ten months in one of the EUI’s four Departments which in turn invite fellows to participate in departmental activities (seminars, workshops, colloquia, etc.). The monthly stipend is € 3,000.

EUI – Fernand Braudel Senior Fellowships Leggi tutto »

Lupus Reserch Alliance – Lupus Innovator Award

The Lupus Innovation Award (formerly known as the Novel Research Grant): up to $150,000/year total costs for up to 2 years. Provides support for pioneering, high-risk, high-reward approaches to major challenges in lupus research. Special emphasis is placed on lupus studies exploring fundamental mechanisms, novel targets and pathways, novel technologies, and interdisciplinary approaches. Both early career and established investigators new to

Lupus Reserch Alliance – Lupus Innovator Award Leggi tutto »

The Royal Society- Newton International Fellowships

Al via la call for application delle Newton International Fellowships che saranno assegnate da due delle accademie di ricerca nazionali del Regno Unito – la Royal Society e la British Academy.Le borse di studio offrono l’opportunità ad alcuni dei più talentuosi ricercatori post-dottorato che lavorano all’estero di svolgere ricerche di livello mondiale nelle istituzioni del

The Royal Society- Newton International Fellowships Leggi tutto »


DAAD – Soggiorni di ricerca per professori e ricercatori

Le borse di studio DAAD offrono la possibilità a ricercatori e professori di condurre delle ricerche in Germania e di proseguire la propria formazione accademica per un periodo variabile tra 1 e 3 mesi. L’obiettivo di questo programma è promuovere attraverso brevi soggiorni di ricerca lo scambio di esperienze e i contatti con colleghi dello stesso

DAAD – Soggiorni di ricerca per professori e ricercatori Leggi tutto »

Fondazione Heinrich Boll – Scholarships for PhD Students

The Heinrich Böll Foundation grants scholarships to approximately 1,200 undergraduates, graduates, and doctoral students of all subjects and nationalities per year, who are pursuing their degree at universities, universities of applied sciences (‘Fachhochschulen’), or universities of the arts (‘Kunsthochschulen’). We expect our scholarship recipients to have excellent academic records, to be socially and politically engaged, and to

Fondazione Heinrich Boll – Scholarships for PhD Students Leggi tutto »

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