Enti finanziatori


The Conservation, Food and Health Foundation seeks to protect natural resources, improve the production and distribution of food, and promote public health in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East.  The foundation helps build the capacity of organizations and coalitions with grants that support research or improve the learning and generation of local solutions to

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National Rosacea Society – Research Grant

The Society awards grants of $10,000 to $25,000 or higher in special cases for research on rosacea. Because the etiology of rosacea is unknown, high priority is given to research in such areas as the pathogenesis, progression, mechanism of action, cell biology and potential genetic factors of this conspicuous and often life-disruptive condition. Studies may

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Cooperazione Italia-India: bando per progetti di ricerca e sviluppo industriale

Il Dipartimento di Scienza e Tecnologia del Ministero della Scienza e della Tecnologia del Governo dell’India e la Direzione Generale per la promozione del Sistema Paese del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale della Repubblica italiana hanno emanato un bando per progetti congiunti di ricerca e sviluppo industriale, sulla base del programma di cooperazione scientifica e tecnologica Italia-India per il

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LIFE: call for experts per incarichi sul bando per progetti di assistenza tecnica

L’Agenzia Esecutiva per le Piccole e Medie Imprese (EASME) ha aperto una call per esperti da inserire nel database della Commissione in vista dell’assegnazioni di incarichi relativi al bando LIFE per progetti di assistenza tecnica. I candidati devono essere esperti di alto livello in una o più delle seguenti aree: Natura Ambiente Adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici Mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici

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Swartz Prize for Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience

The Swartz Prize, supported by the Swartz Foundation, honors an individual whose activities have produced a significant cumulative contribution to theoretical models or computational methods in neuroscience or who has made a particularly noteworthy recent advance in theoretical or computational neuroscience. Recipients receive a $25,000 prize and complimentary registration, transportation (economy air or ground), and

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AXA fellowships

The AXA Fellowship is a funding scheme aiming at supporting young promising researchers on a priority topic aligned with AXA and the Society. Our support should be transformative for the researcher and the advancement of her/his research field. Candidates should be maximum PhD+ 5 years with proven scientific excellence and high potential for innovation, transformation

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american physical society

James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials

The Prize is aimed to recognize and encourage outstanding achievement in the science and application of new materials. This shall include the discovery of new classes of materials, the observation of novel phenomena in known materials leading to both fundamentally new applications and scientific insights, and shall also include theoretical and experimental work contributing significantly

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