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Foundation for the National Institutes of Health – Lurie Prize in Biomedical Sciences

Nominations are open for the 2022 Lurie Prize in Biomedical Sciences.  Each year, the FNIH recognizes outstanding achievements by a promising young scientist in biomedical research by bestowing the Lurie Prize in Biomedical Sciences, a $100,000 award.  NOMINATION CRITERIA Nominations are broadly solicited and can be made by any member of an accredited educational and/or […]

Foundation for the National Institutes of Health – Lurie Prize in Biomedical Sciences Leggi tutto »

Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research – Alpha-synuclein seed amplification assay programme

The Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research invites applications for its alpha-synuclein seed amplification assay programme. This supports research that will facilitate integration of alpha-synuclein seed amplification assays into clinical studies for the purposes of predicting prognosis, tracking disease progression and monitoring therapeutic response. Applicants are encouraged to submit proposals that address one or

Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research – Alpha-synuclein seed amplification assay programme Leggi tutto »

TREE Fund – Jack Kimmel International Grant Program

Jack Kimmel grants provide much needed funding to arboriculture and urban forestry researchers all over the world. This grant is administered by TREE Fund, with participation from the Canadian TREE Fund in the evaluation process. These grants are available to researchers whose work is primarily outside of the United States. Projects are expected to be

TREE Fund – Jack Kimmel International Grant Program Leggi tutto »

TREE Fund – Tree and Soil Research Fund Grant Program

TREE Fund welcomes research proposals and applications from a wide range of academic and technical disciplines, of both a qualitative and a quantitative nature. TREE Fund does not fund the following types of projects, and will not accept applications for such work: Grants to individuals; Projects that are primarily municipal tree surveys or assessments; Tree planting programs;

TREE Fund – Tree and Soil Research Fund Grant Program Leggi tutto »

Kenneth Rainin Foundation – Innovator Award

The Kenneth Rainin Foundation invites proposals for its innovator awards. This support high-risk research and challenge investigators to push boundaries to advance our goal of predicting and preventing Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Researchers from any scientific discipline worldwide are eligible for funding. The researchers will hold advanced degrees (MD, PhD or the equivalent) and academic

Kenneth Rainin Foundation – Innovator Award Leggi tutto »

The Matsumae International Foundation – 2022 Research Fellowship Program

La Matsumae International Foundation (MIF) è un’organizzazione non governativa giapponese che offre, attraverso il “Research Fellowship Program” borse di ricerca, con l’intento di promuovere la cooperazione internazionale invitando nel proprio Paese giovani ricercatori stranieri, per condurre attività di ricerca presso università, laboratori e istituti di ricerca in Giappone (strutture di ricerca pubbliche o private) in

The Matsumae International Foundation – 2022 Research Fellowship Program Leggi tutto »

Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance – Bronya J. Keats International Research Collaboration Award

The Bronya J. Keats International Research Collaboration Award honors its namesake for her academic career in understanding the GAA triplet repeat mutation in FA, and her continued role in managing FARA’s grant program. Proposals should focus on FA research that relies on international collaboration among investigators in at least two different countries. Special consideration will

Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance – Bronya J. Keats International Research Collaboration Award Leggi tutto »

Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation – Drug Development Program

Through its Drug Development Program the ADDF seeks to support in vivo preclinical studies that advance lead molecules developed for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias to IND-enabling studies. The proposed studies should be structured to deliver a compound with strong potential for clinical and commercial application. Drug mechanisms or modes of action: Novel drug mechanisms and

Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation – Drug Development Program Leggi tutto »

Fulbright Distinguished Lecturer Program – borse di studio per incarichi di insegnamento in scienze umane e sociali

ll Fulbright Distinguished Lecturer Program offre la possibilità di usufruire di borse di studio per incarichi di insegnamento presso università americane nell’ambito degli Studi Umanistici e delle Scienze Sociali  (a.a. 2021-22). Quest’anno le università partecipanti sono University of Notre Dame, University of Pittsburg e la Northwestern University. Scadenza: 31 maggio 2021 Maggiori informazioni al sito

Fulbright Distinguished Lecturer Program – borse di studio per incarichi di insegnamento in scienze umane e sociali Leggi tutto »


Giappone: opportunità di ricerca su Tecnologie energetiche pulite

L’Ufficio Scientifico dell’Ambasciata italiana a Tokyo segnala l’opportunità di partecipare a progetti in cooperazione con ricercatori giapponesi sul tema delle Clean Energy Technologies. Il bando – destinato ai ricercatori giapponesi – è disponibile  a questo indirizzo Il bando e’ rivolto a istituzioni giapponesi ma con l’obbligo di avere un partner internazionale.  La scadenza per la

Giappone: opportunità di ricerca su Tecnologie energetiche pulite Leggi tutto »

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