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The emerging technologies competition – Royal Society of Chemistry

Each year we welcome applications from entrepreneurs who are developing technologies that have a strong chemistry component and fall within one of the following categories: Enabling Technologies Energy Environment Health Following an application round, our judges will carefully review each application and provide helpful feedback. The 24 finalists will be announced in early June and receive: Invaluable […]

The emerging technologies competition – Royal Society of Chemistry Leggi tutto »

Lupus Reserch Alliance – Lupus Innovator Award

The Lupus Innovation Award (formerly known as the Novel Research Grant): up to $150,000/year total costs for up to 2 years. Provides support for pioneering, high-risk, high-reward approaches to major challenges in lupus research. Special emphasis is placed on lupus studies exploring fundamental mechanisms, novel targets and pathways, novel technologies, and interdisciplinary approaches. Both early career and established investigators new to

Lupus Reserch Alliance – Lupus Innovator Award Leggi tutto »

The Royal Society- Newton International Fellowships

Al via la call for application delle Newton International Fellowships che saranno assegnate da due delle accademie di ricerca nazionali del Regno Unito – la Royal Society e la British Academy.Le borse di studio offrono l’opportunità ad alcuni dei più talentuosi ricercatori post-dottorato che lavorano all’estero di svolgere ricerche di livello mondiale nelle istituzioni del

The Royal Society- Newton International Fellowships Leggi tutto »

Cancer Research Institute – Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme

Il Cancer Research Institute (CRI) americano attraverso l’Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program’ finanzia borse di ricerca postdoc a giovani ricercatori che intendano svolgere un periodo di ricerca nel campo dell’immunologia e immunologia dei tumori presso un istituto non-profit. I destinatari del bando sono i ricercatori di qualsiasi nazionalità in possesso del titolo di dottorato (sono ammessi anche i candidati che

Cancer Research Institute – Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme Leggi tutto »

The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund – Grants

The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund is a  philanthropic endowment established to do the following: Provide targeted grants to individual species conservation initiatives Recognize leaders in the field of species conservation; and Elevate the importance of species in the broader conservation debate. The Fund’s reach is truly global, and its species interest is non-discriminatory. It

The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund – Grants Leggi tutto »

Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation – Neuroimaging and CSF Biomarker development program

Given the pathological heterogeneity of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, new biomarkers are needed to more accurately characterize specific underlying pathophysiology. This RFP seeks to support the development of CSF and neuroimaging biomarkers for multiple contexts of use (see below) that include but are not limited to: Demonstrate target engagement for novel therapeutics Biomarkers that

Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation – Neuroimaging and CSF Biomarker development program Leggi tutto »

Fraxa Research Foundation – Fragile X Research Grants

Each year, FRAXA funds $1 million or more in medical research aimed at finding specific treatments and ultimately a cure for fragile X syndrome. Our goal is to bring practical treatment into current medical practice as quickly as possible; so preference is given to projects that have a clear practical application and the results of which will

Fraxa Research Foundation – Fragile X Research Grants Leggi tutto »

National Science Foundation – Human networks and data science – core research

The National Science Foundation, under its Directorate for Social, Behavioural and Economic (SBE) Science, invites proposals for its core research under its human networks and data science programme. This supports proposals that advance theory in a core SBE discipline by the application of data and network science methods, including the leveraging of large data sets

National Science Foundation – Human networks and data science – core research Leggi tutto »

Northwestern University – Nemmers prizes in economics, mathematics and Earth sciences

Northwestern University invites nominations for the Nemmers prizes. These recognise achievement and contributions to new knowledge or the development of new modes of analysis in the fields of economics, mathematics and Earth sciences respectively. There are three prizes: •the Erwin Plein Nemmers prize in economics; •the Frederic Esser Nemmers prize in mathematics; •the Nemmers prize

Northwestern University – Nemmers prizes in economics, mathematics and Earth sciences Leggi tutto »

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