

Histiocytosis Association – Request for Research Proposals

Proposals for scientific research are accepted for studies into the causes, mechanisms, and improved means of treatment for histiocytic disorders. Proposals are evaluated on the basis of science, feasibility, and relevance. All proposals are expected to address one or more of the histiocytic disorders; below are areas of particular interest; however, all relevant areas of […]

Histiocytosis Association – Request for Research Proposals Leggi tutto »

Digital Europe: al via il quarto bando del programma di innovazione digitale

È stato pubblicato, sul portale Funding and Tender, il quarto invito a presentare proposte nell’ambito del Programma di lavoro Digital Europe 2023-2024, che aprirà l’11 maggio 2023 e chiuderà il 26 settembre 2023. Il Programma Digital Europe mira a costruire le capacità digitali strategiche dell’UE e a facilitare l’ampia diffusione delle tecnologie digitali. Con un budget totale di 48,2 milioni di euro, il bando gestirà

Digital Europe: al via il quarto bando del programma di innovazione digitale Leggi tutto »

Armenise Harvard Airalzh Mid-Career Award

The Giovanni Armenise Harvard Foundation and Airalzh offer one Armenise-Harvard Airalzh Mid-Career Award in Neurodegenerative Diseases (“AHA-MCA”) of $100,000 USD per year, for two years, to support  basic research projects in the field of neurodegenerative diseases. The Armenise Harvard Foundation and Airalzh share the common goal to support a category of basic scientists, i.e. the Mid-Career researchers, who are

Armenise Harvard Airalzh Mid-Career Award Leggi tutto »


AIFA – Bandi Ricerca Indipendente 2023

AIFA ha autorizzato il finanziamento di due Bandi di Ricerca Indipendente in oncologia e in prevenzione secondaria nelle malattie cardio-cerebrovascolari, per un importo complessivo di 10,5 milioni di euro.   I bandi pubblicati da AIFA si propongono di incentivare la ricerca mediante il finanziamento di due tipologie di studi clinici volti a definire il sequenziamento ottimale di trattamenti sistemici dei tumori in stadio avanzato (epatocarcinoma, NSCLC, Non Small Cell

AIFA – Bandi Ricerca Indipendente 2023 Leggi tutto »

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science – Short term fellowship

The program provides PhD students or PhD researchers in the Europe and North America with opportunities to conduct collaborative research under the guidance of their hosts in universities and other Japanese institutions for a relatively short period of time (1-12 mesi). A person who has never engaged in research at universities etc. in Japan would

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science – Short term fellowship Leggi tutto »


Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute: call on improving methods for conducting patient-centred outcomes research

The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute invites letters of intent for its call on improving methods for conducting patient-centred outcomes research. This supports studies that address high-priority methodological gaps and lead to improvements in the strength and quality of evidence generated by patient-centred outcomes research (PCOR) and clinical effectiveness research (CER) studies. Particular attention is given

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute: call on improving methods for conducting patient-centred outcomes research Leggi tutto »

Ministero Salute

Ministero della Salute – 2° Avviso pubblico per la presentazione e selezione di progetti di ricerca da finanziare nell’ambito del PNRR

L’Avviso finanzia progetti nell’ambito del PNRR sulle seguenti tematiche: Proof of concept (PoC) Tumori Rari (TR) Malattie Rare (MR) Malattie Croniche non Trasmissibili (MCnT) ad alto impatto sui sistemi sanitari e socio-assistenziali: 4.1 Innovazione in campo diagnostico 4.2 Innovazione in campo terapeutico Malattie Croniche non Trasmissibili (MCnT) ad alto impatto sui sistemi sanitari e socio-assistenziali:

Ministero della Salute – 2° Avviso pubblico per la presentazione e selezione di progetti di ricerca da finanziare nell’ambito del PNRR Leggi tutto »

Heinrich Wieland Prize – Boehringer Ingelheim Stiftung

The international Heinrich Wieland Prize honours distinguished scientists for their outstanding research on biologically active molecules and systems in the fields of chemistry, biochemistry, and physiology as well as their clinical importance. The prize is endowed with 100,000 euros by the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation and named after Heinrich Wieland (1877-1957), Nobel Laureate in Chemistry in

Heinrich Wieland Prize – Boehringer Ingelheim Stiftung Leggi tutto »


Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute: call on Broad pragmatic studies

The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute invites letters of intent for its broad pragmatic studies funding call. This supports research that addresses four of PCORI’s national priority areas for research. Applications that align with any of the following special areas of emphasis are encouraged: addressing racism, discrimination and bias in healthcare systems and care delivery; aspirin

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute: call on Broad pragmatic studies Leggi tutto »

american physical society

James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials

The Prize is aimed to recognize and encourage outstanding achievement in the science and application of new materials. This shall include the discovery of new classes of materials, the observation of novel phenomena in known materials leading to both fundamentally new applications and scientific insights, and shall also include theoretical and experimental work contributing significantly

James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials Leggi tutto »

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