Health, business, production and consumption, fight against climate change: the University of Brescia ranks among the top 200 universities in the world in the four indicators of the University Impact Rankings 2020 ranking of Times Higher Education
THE University Impact Rankings, the first ranking that gives an account of the commitment of universities to the creation of new models of social, cultural and economic development based on the objectives of the UN Agenda 2030, rewards the University of Brescia. The results of the 2020 edition, released by the British newspaper Times Higher Education, see the University of Brescia among the top 200 universities out of over 750 universities in the world, in relation to the four Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
– SDG 3 Good Health and Wellbeing – Health and Wellness
– SDG 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
– SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production
– SDG 13 Climate Action
To be recognized is therefore the excellence of scientific research and the deep commitment of the University of Brescia in the sectors of health and well-being, the promotion of sustainable industrialization, attention to the environment and consumption and the fight against climate change. The University of Brescia has been involved for some time in the Sustainable UniBs project for the development of its research projects, programs and learning activities; in the construction and management of its buildings and residences; in mobility choices; in the use of energy and all natural resources.
«These are relevant indicators – comments the Rector, prof. Maurizio Tira – who, confirming the competitiveness of our commitment in the global challenges posed by the United Nations through the Sustainable Development Goals, affirm the role of the University of Brescia on the sustainable development front, with a particular variation in its territory , still looking for a balance between industrial development, environmental sustainability and quality of life. The rankings must be used with common sense, but they certainly constitute a starting point to do better and better ».
In the THE University Impact Rankings ranking, the University of Brescia achieves important results also in relation to the Objectives: SDG 1 – Defeating poverty; SDG 2 – Defeat hunger; SDG 7 – Clean and accessible energy; SDG 11 – Sustainable cities and communities, placing itself among the top 300 best universities in the world.
The only inclusion in this ranking, as also highlighted by Times Higher Education, is in itself a great result and highlights how the work of the University of Brescia does not limit itself to influencing the academic community alone with the primary activities of research and teaching, but conditions the whole society through a more general contribution of knowledge and innovation transfer in the perspective of “Third Mission”.