The European Commission has opened a public consultation on the future European strategy for adaptation to climate change.
As part of the European Green Deal, the Commission intends to present an Adaptation Strategy in early 2021 starting from the current strategy adopted in 2013 and positively evaluated in 2018. The consultation is open to citizens and stakeholders until 20 August 2020 and is supported by a guide that helps to contextualize the theme.
Climate change is in fact an increasingly concrete phenomenon, which has made the last 5 years the hottest ever, characterized by heat waves, droughts and fires throughout Europe. The impacts are severe and differently distributed and will continue to create important difficulties despite the efforts that will be made to mitigate them.
The effects on Europe are also indirect, since the consequences of climate change in other parts of the world are still reflected in distribution chains and trade, the spread of infections, international security and migratory flows.
The Strategy will also have to cope with the economic recovery following the ongoing health crisis and will be an opportunity to start from more resilient societies with a greener economy, improving risk assessment and management, integrating climate policy in all sectors , increasing prevention and preparedness for emergencies.
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