EFSD and Novo Nordisk A/S Programme for Diabetes Research in Europe

The EFSD/Novo Nordisk Partnership for Diabetes Research in Europe Programme will accept applications from all fields of diabetes research including both basic and clinical research.

Research will be supported through the award of grants of up to € 100,000 for basic and or clinical projects.  Applications with a funding requirement larger than that specified above may be considered; in this case, the total funding requirement should be indicated and justified in the budget section of the application form.

The definition of clinical research is a study performed in human individuals and where there is a focus on a clinically relevant and diabetes-related outcome. The duration of each award will depend upon the needs of the project and as justified in the application. EFSD may, at the suggestion of the Review Committee, recommend an award in a different amount from that requested, but which is considered more appropriate for the proposed studies.

Studies forming part of a larger project will be considered for funding but this will need to be well justified in the application.

Applications for an EFSD/Novo Nordisk grant are invited from single non-profit institutions or groups of such institutions from Europe and associated countries. The principal investigator and any co-investigators must be normally employed at a non-profit institution and the study must be performed at their place of work.

Prior to any final decision on funding, and in order to offer applicants the opportunity to benefit from the review process, EFSD reserve the right to request revision to applications in accordance with the recommendations of the Review Committee.

Applications for research grants may be subjected to pre-review (or triage) procedures.  In this event, any application rejected at pre-review will not be subject to a complete scientific review.

Deadline for application: 1st February 2024.

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