L’indagine di APRE su Smart Mobility, Logistics, Trasport Infrastructures, Freight

APRE sta conducendo un’ indagine per raccogliere informazioni sugli interessi della comunità scientifica e industriale italiana in tema di:

  • Smart mobility
  • Logistics
  • Transport Infrastructures
  • Freight.

L’obiettivo è conoscere gli interessi di tale comunità per poter organizzare attività specifiche per questo settore come workshop, approfondimenti e eventi di networking.
Se avete un interesse in uno o più di questi 7 topic del 2022, se cercate un partner per il vostro consorzio, se cercate consorzi per le vostre expertise,se volete discutere del contenuto dei bandi, vi invitiamo a compilare il  questionario per permettere ad APRE di costruire efficaci iniziative in vostro supporto.

I sette topic su cui si concentra l’indagine, sono i seguenti

  1. HORIZON-CL5-2022-D6-02-06 Smart and efficient ways to construct, maintain and decommission with zero emissions from transport infrastructure
  2. HORIZON-CL5-2022-D6-02-07 New concepts and approaches for resilient and green freight transport and logistics networks against disruptive events (including pandemics)
  3. HORIZON-CL5-2022-D6-02-01 Logistics networks integration and harmonisation through operational connectivity to optimise freight flows and drive logistics to climate neutrality
  4. HORIZON-CL5-2022-D6-02-05 Advanced multimodal network and traffic management for seamless door-to-door mobility of passengers and freight transport
  5. HORIZON-CL5-2022-D6-02-03 Smart enforcement for resilient, sustainable and more efficient transport operations
  6. HORIZON-CL5-2022-D6-02-04 Accelerating the deployment of new and shared mobility services for the next decade
  7. HORIZON-CL5-2022-D6-02-02 Urban logistics and planning: anticipating urban freight generation and demand including digitalisation of urban freight.

Per ulteriori informazioni contattare cluster5@apre.it .

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