Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute: call on Broad pragmatic studies

The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute invites letters of intent for its broad pragmatic studies funding call. This supports research that addresses four of PCORI’s national priority areas for research. Applications that align with any of the following special areas of emphasis are encouraged:

  • addressing racism, discrimination and bias in healthcare systems and care delivery;
  • aspirin to prevent preeclampsia;
  • caregiver-delivered interventions for intellectual and developmental disabilities;
  • optimising prevention and treatment of postpartum hemorrhage.

Any organisation based in any country may apply, provided there is a demonstrable benefit to the US healthcare system and US efforts in the area of patient-centred research. Individuals may not apply.

The total budget is USD 162 million per cycle. Projects may receive up to USD 10 million each over a maximum period of five years.

Dedaline: 1st June 2023

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