

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute: call on Broad pragmatic studies

The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute invites letters of intent for its broad pragmatic studies funding call. This supports research that addresses four of PCORI’s national priority areas for research. Applications that align with any of the following special areas of emphasis are encouraged: addressing racism, discrimination and bias in healthcare systems and care delivery; aspirin […]

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute: call on Broad pragmatic studies Leggi tutto »


Programma AAL: pubblicato il nuovo bando “Advancing Health & Care Solutions for Ageing Well in the New Decade”

Il programma AAL ha lanciato una nuova call per il 2021 dal titolo: “Advancing Inclusive Health & Care Solutions for Ageing Well in the New Decade“. L’obiettivo di questo bando è quello di sostenere progetti collaborativi innovativi, transnazionali e multidisciplinari. Pur mantenendo un approccio aperto (cioè aperto a tutte le 8 aree di applicazione AAL), il

Programma AAL: pubblicato il nuovo bando “Advancing Health & Care Solutions for Ageing Well in the New Decade” Leggi tutto »

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