The Associazione Italiana Sindromi Neurodegenerative da Accumulo di Ferro (AISNAF) is the only Italian non-profit lay organization dedicated to the fight against neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation (NBIA) in Italy.
The AISNAF is currently accepting applications for one-year research grants that will pave the way to new potential treatments for NBIA diseases.
Specifically, this is a two-track granting cycle that solicits proposals on the following diseases belonging to the NBIA current classification:
- Beta-propeller Protein-Associated Neurodegeneration (BPAN)
- Mitochondrial-membrane Protein-Associated Neurodegeneration (MPAN)
Funds are available to support:
- a two-year research project on MPAN for up to € 90,000 and
- an 18-month research project on BPAN for up to € 65,000.
Budget for MPAN may be up to € 90,000 for a two-year project, including indirect costs, if applicable. Indirect costs are allowed up to a maximum of 10%.
Budget for BPAN may be up to € 65,000 for an 18-month research project, including indirect costs, if applicable. Indirect costs are allowed up to a maximum of 10%.
To be eligible for this award, applicants must be:
- Scientifically independent (early career investigators, i.e. senior post-doctoral fellows, research associates and assistant professors, are eligible for this Call provided that their salary is covered by the Host Institution throughout the funding period – Host Institutions must sign a formal declaration);
- Affiliated with a public or private non-profit research institution.
Applicant’s Host Institution (HI) is required to sign a letter of agreement.
All documents must be submitted in English.
The maximum budget allowed is € 90.000 (ninety thousand euros) for MPAN and € 65.000 (sixty-five thousand euros) for BPAN. Please arrange the budget into a table followed by a paragraph for budget description/justification. The table should list the following items and the related expenses in Euro (use whole numbers only):
- Materials, Supplies, Services;
- The salary of only one project’s staff member;
- Other expenses: i.e. publication costs, samples, animal shipments and others.
- Please note that the following costs are not covered:
- Equipment of any type
- Salary for Principal Investigator
Further information: AISNAF call for proposal 2019
Document must be a single pdf with file name “2019 AISNAF Grant Application-your last name/DISORDER,” and emailed to no later than May 13, 2019.