Pharmaceutical sector: from Research to Market Innovation Flow

Today, 80% of drug companies’ R&D takes place in partnership with public structures, universities, start-ups, non-profit organizations, charities, innovative SMEs.

In Italy, more than elsewhere, the value of this collaboration must be supported and increased, especially considering the presence of centers of excellence in the life sciences and health sector, as well as for the recognized quality of scientific publications at international level.

For this reason, Farmindustria and the Italian Society of Pharmacology (SIF) together developed InnovationFlow, a point of direct contact between the scientific world and drug companies.

InnovationFlow is a free and easy-to-use web platform that allows researchers to present their research activities (ideas / projects / products) directly to pharmaceutical companies that are members of Farmindustria.

Researchers can enter information regarding their research activities that they consider to be of potential interest to the pharmaceutical sector, by filling in an online form (in English).

The platform is aimed at researchers working in the field of life sciences and health, as well as at the technology transfer offices of universities/research centers, and at pharmaceutical companies associated with Farmindustria, which represent 90% of the sector’s turnover in Italy.

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