
Bayer Hemophilia Awards Program

The Bayer Hemophilia Awards Program supports basic and clinical research and education in hemophilia. Through grants provided to early career investigators, fellows in training, and other hemophilia care professionals, the program seeks to support the next steps for the next generation of care and treatment options for people with hemophilia worldwide.

Awards available:

Basic Research Award: this award will provide funds to undertake a basic research project in the bleeding disorders field. Focus areas for such projects include, but are not limited to:

  • Role of FVIII outside of coagulation
  • Inhibitors
  • Immunogenicity
  • Lab monitoring research and applications.

Basic Research Project awards will provide funding of up to US$75,000 for one year. Up to 15% may be requested as salary support. Up to 20% may be requested as overhead. Any individual affiliated with a facility that carries out research in inherited bleeding disorders, or provides care to patients with these disorders, may make a request for these awards. Such facilities may include medical universities, hospitals, treatment centers, blood centers and laboratories.


Clinical Research Award: this award will provide funds to undertake a clinical research project in the bleeding disorders field. Focus areas for such projects include, but are not limited to:

  • Microbleeds
  • Subclinical bleeds
  • Joint pain
  • Patient-reported outcomes
  • Role of FVIII vs. non-FVIII replacement therapy
  • Lab monitoring, etc.

Clinical Research Project awards will provide funding of up to US$75,000 for one year. Up to 15% may be requested as salary support. Up to 20% may be requested as overhead. Any individual affiliated with a facility that carries out research in inherited bleeding disorders, or provides care to patients with these disorders, may make a request for these awards. Such facilities may include medical universities, hospitals, treatment centers, blood centers and laboratories.


Fellowship Project awards: This award is intended to facilitate the development of clinical and research expertise in the field of hemophilia for applicants who have completed medical training and have an interest in pursuing a career as a hemophilia clinician. The award will support a mentored physician for one year, who will be expected to undertake a research project as well as clinical training.

The criteria by which applications will be judged include:

  • Merit of applicant and approach
  • Design and rationale of research project
  • Design and rationale of the proposed clinical training program.
  • Potential for successful development of the applicant as a clinical expert in the treatment of hemophilia
  • Mentor and learning environment.
  • Commitment of applicant and mentor to hemophilia

Fellowship Project awards will provide funding of up to US$80,000 for one year. Salary support is anticipated; there is no cap but the Committee will be looking for remuneration to be commensurate with institutional norms. Up to 20% may be requested as overhead. The applicant will be affiliated with a facility that carries out research in inherited bleeding disorders or provides care to patients with these disorders. Such facilities may include medical universities, hospitals, treatment centers, blood centers and laboratories. The applicant should have earned his/her medical degree within the previous eight years. The applicant may not have received previous funding from this award category.

Deadline for submission: 30th November 2019.

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