L’Iniziativa Tecnologica Congiunta denominata Innovative Medicines Initiative ha pubblicato maggiori anticipazioni sui futuri bandi per progetti di ricerca dedicati alle medicine innovative.
In particolare, l’apertura del prossimo bando (IMI2 – Call 20) è prevista per il 21 gennaio 2020 e dovrebbe comprendere i seguenti topic:
- Early diagnosis, prediction of radiographic outcomes and development of rational, personalised treatment strategies to improve long-term outcomes in Psoriatic Arthritis
- Innovations to accelerate vaccine development and manufacture
- Real-world clinical implementation of liquid biopsy
- Tumour plasticity
- Proton versus photon therapy for oesophageal cancer – a trimodality strategy
- Handling of protein drug products and stability concerns
- Academia and industry united innovation and treatment for tuberculosis (UNITE4TB) (questo topic fa parte del programma IMI Antimicrobial Resistance Accelerator)
L’apertura della successiva call for proposals è invece prevista per il 23 giugno 2020 e la JTI Innovative Medicines Initiative sta discuttendo se includere o meno i seguenti topic:
Neurodegeneration and other neuroscience priorities
- Rare neurodegenerative and neurocognitive diseases clinical platform development
- Complement in neurodegenerative diseases
Pain portfolio
- Digital endpoints and placebo effect in chronic pain
Infection control including vaccines
- Development of innovative personalized diagnostics and patient-guided therapies for the management of sepsis-induced immune suppression
- Modelling the impact of monoclonal antibodies and vaccines on the reduction of antimicrobial resistance
Big data, digital health, clinical trials and regulatory research
- Data lakes
- Personalised endpoints
- Returning clinical trial data to patients: The proactive return of clinically relevant information to study participants during and after a clinical trial
- Microbiome
Translational safety
- Pharmacodynamic drug-drug interaction predictive testing by learning algorithms to enhance safety
- Digital vivarium
Facilitating rare disease therapies (including Advanced Therapy Medical Products) reaching patients in Europe
- Clinical outcomes assessments for rare diseases
- Defragmenting and shortening the path to rare disease diagnosis by using genetic screening and digital technologies
(fonte: FIRST)