EFSD/Sanofi European pilot research grants for innovative measurement of diabetes outcomes

The European Association for the Study of Diabetes, in association with Sanofi, invites applications for its European pilot research grants for innovative measurement of diabetes outcomes. These encourage new projects that advance current knowledge and help to develop innovative means to document and validate novel parameters indicative of long-term benefits for patients with diabetes. Proposals may include the validation of behavioural, biological and disease management metrics to complement glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) in defining the quality of the long term management of diabetes.

Single non-profit institutions or groups of such institutions from Europe or associated countries may apply. The principal investigator and any co-investigators must be employed full-time at a non-profit institution and the study must be performed at their place of work.

Pilot grants are worth up to €100,000 each for a minimum of one year.

Deadline: 2nd March 2020.

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