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MUR – Avviso PNRA Antartide 2024

Il bando disciplina le procedure per il finanziamento di attività di ricerca rivolte ad approfondire le conoscenze in Antartide e ottenere anche una migliore comprensione dei processi di interazione e connessione fra i diversi comparti del sistema Terra (criosfera, idrosfera, atmosfera, biosfera e litosfera). Al fine di poter effettuare le opportune comparazioni e/o integrazioni, le […]

MUR – Avviso PNRA Antartide 2024 Leggi tutto »

Interreg Central Europe

Terzo bando Interreg Central Europe: progetti su piccola scala per le aree periferiche e meno sviluppate

Si è aperto il 15 ottobre il terzo bando del programma Interreg Central Europe, che mette a disposizione 14 milioni di euro per finanziare progetti su piccola scala per soluzioni pionieristiche a favore delle aree periferiche e in ritardo di sviluppo. Questo terzo bando rimarrà aperto fino al 10 dicembre 2024. La call ha un focus territoriale, ovvero i progetti dovranno fornire soluzioni locali e

Terzo bando Interreg Central Europe: progetti su piccola scala per le aree periferiche e meno sviluppate Leggi tutto »


EU Bioeconomy Youth Ambassador: lanciato il secondo bando di selezione

La Commissione europea ha lanciato il secondo bando di selezione per diventare EU Bioeconomy Youth Ambassador, con scadenza per partecipare fissata al 9 novembre 2024. Il bando si rivolge a giovani tra i 18 e i 30 anni provenienti da tutta l’Unione europea e dai paesi associati, con esperienza o interesse nella bioeconomia o in campi correlati alla bioeconomia (ad esempio, biotecnologie, sistemi alimentari, settori bio-based, silvicoltura, agricoltura,

EU Bioeconomy Youth Ambassador: lanciato il secondo bando di selezione Leggi tutto »

New call to co-fund Brazilian-EU research partnerships within MSCA Staff Exchanges

The Brazilian National Council of State Funding Agencies (CONFAP) has published a new call to co-fund projects involving Brazilian entities under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Staff Exchanges 2024 call. The MSCA are part of Horizon Europe, the EU programme for research and innovation.   Various Brazilian State Research Support Foundations (FAPs), in cooperation with CONFAP, will

New call to co-fund Brazilian-EU research partnerships within MSCA Staff Exchanges Leggi tutto »

Mazak Foundation – Research Development grant

The Mazak Foundation offers Research Development Grants. The following categories are subjects of grants: Research and development Research of technical applications Study of technical trends Technical exchanges between countries Research Development Assistance Grants: ¥500,000~¥2,000,000 (each). Application Procedure: fill in the appropriate information in the Mazak Foundation application form and submit the application with a letter

Mazak Foundation – Research Development grant Leggi tutto »

The Fritz Thyssen Foundation – International Conferences

The Fritz Thyssen Foundation supports scholarly events, in particular national and international conferences with the aim of facilitating the discussion and analysis of specific scholarly questions as well as fostering cooperation and networking of scholars working in the same field or on interdisciplinary topics. An application can be filed in the following areas of support:

The Fritz Thyssen Foundation – International Conferences Leggi tutto »


Rivkin Center for Ovarian Cancer Research – scientific scholar awards

The Rivkin Center for Ovarian Cancer Research invites applications for its scientific scholar awards. These support laboratory and clinical scientists in pursuing careers as independent investigators in ovarian cancer research. The goal is to attract junior investigators as well as established investigators into ovarian cancer research and to develop their potential as leaders. Applicants must

Rivkin Center for Ovarian Cancer Research – scientific scholar awards Leggi tutto »

Gerda Henkel Stiftung – Research Projects

The grants for research projects involve, depending on the type of project, the assumption of costs for personnel, travel, materials and/or other costs. For projects that are conducted by one scholar alone, a research scholarship has to be applied for. Fields in which the projects can be submitted: Archeology History of Art Historical Islamic Studies

Gerda Henkel Stiftung – Research Projects Leggi tutto »

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