European elections


The future of the Horizon Europe Program after the outcome of the European elections

The recent results of the elections to elect the new European Parliament, with the center-right and the center-left having lost the parliamentary majority for the first time ever, have immediately triggered a series of hypotheses and considerations on European funds destined for to research and development, taking into account the victory – in several cases […]

The future of the Horizon Europe Program after the outcome of the European elections Leggi tutto »

The main MEPs backing the EU Research and Development program are re-elected

Despite the results of the recent European elections we represented a change in Europe, in favor of the right or the “greens” / liberals depending on the point of view, MEPs committed to the next EU Research and Development Program Horizon Europe have maintained their place in Parliament and probably will be able to continue

The main MEPs backing the EU Research and Development program are re-elected Leggi tutto »

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