
Spencer Foundation – Small Research Grants

The Small Research Grants program is intended to support education research projects with budgets of $50,000 or less. In keeping with the Spencer Foundation’s mission, this program aims to fund academic work that will contribute to the improvement of education, broadly conceived. Historically, the work we have funded through these grants has spanned, a range of […]

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Fyssen Foundation – International Prize

The Fyssen Foundation invites nominations for its international prize. This recognises scientific inquiry into the development of computational approaches that advance the understanding of cognitive processes, which underlie animal and human behaviour, their biological and cultural bases, and phylogenetic and ontogenetic development. Researchers may have a background in the fields of ethnology, psychology, neurobiology, human

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Heinrich Wieland Prize – Boehringer Ingelheim Stiftung

The international Heinrich Wieland Prize honours distinguished scientists for their outstanding research on biologically active molecules and systems in the fields of chemistry, biochemistry, and physiology as well as their clinical importance. The prize is endowed with 100,000 euros by the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation and named after Heinrich Wieland (1877-1957), Nobel Laureate in Chemistry in

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NATO – Science for Peace and Security

The NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme enhances civil science and technology to address emerging security challenges and their impact on international security. It connects scientists, experts and officials from NATO and partner nations to work together to address these challenges, by supporting security-relevant activities in the form of four established grant mechanisms,

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Fondazione Fyssen – International Prize

The Fyssen Foundation invites nominations for its international prize. This recognises scientific inquiry into the development of computaonal approaches that advance the understanding of cognitive processes, which underlie animal and human behaviour, their biological and cultural bases, and phylogenetic and ontogenetic development. Researchers may have a background in the fields of ethnology, psychology, neurobiology, human

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Fyssen Foundation – Research grants

The Fyssen Foundation invites applications for its research grants. These support French or foreign postdoctoral researchers in establishing research teams at host laboratories in France to conduct research on the logical mechanisms of the animal and human behaviour and their ontogenetic and phylogenetic development. Applicants must be between three and 10 years after the defence

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Bial Foundation – Scientific research grants

The Bial Foundation invites applications for its scientific research grants. These support research in the areas of psychophysiology and parapsychology. All scientific researchers may apply, either individually or in groups, except those working for the Bial Foundation or for any of the companies belonging to the Bial Group. Grants are worth up to €60,000 with

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King Salman

King Salman International Award for Disability Research

L’Ufficio Culturale della Reale Ambasciata dell’Arabia Saudita in Italia è orgoglioso di trasmettere il bando di concorso  promosso da King Salman International Award For Disability Research, che si prefigge di premiare l’eccellenza della ricerca scientifica nell’ambito delle disabilità (Medicine and Health, Education and Pshicology, Rehabilitation and Social Sciences, Adopting technology in disability fields) . I ricercatori interessati

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Fondazione Fyssen – International Scientific Prize 2020

Il Premio internazionale rivolto a un ricercatore di qualsiasi nazionalità che abbia condotto attività di ricerca di particolare rilevanza in una delle aree di interesse della Fondazione: etologia, psicologia, neurobiologia, antropologia, etnologia, paleontologia umana, archeologia. L’importo del premio è di  100.000 Euro. Non sono ammesse auto-candidature. La candidatura deve essere proposta da un’eminente personalità scientifica e

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Covid-19: bando internazionale per la ricerca sull’impatto sociale della pandemia

La Henry Luce Foundation, in collaborazione con il Social Science Research Council degli Stati Uniti, ha lanciato un bando per la ricerca sull’impatto sociale, economico, culturale, psicologico e politico del Covid-19 negli Stati Uniti e nel mondo. I candidati devono essere titolari di un dottorato di ricerca in qualsiasi disciplina delle scienze sociali o in

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