
Net4Mobility+. The network of NCPs for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)

A National Contact Point (NCP) is an expert in a specific area in the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. NCPs assist researchers with the identification of opportunities and preparation of proposals for funding. In order to ensure a high level of expertise among the NCPs, the European Commission (EC) finances so-called ‘NCP […]

Net4Mobility+. The network of NCPs for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Leggi tutto »

The Joint Research Center’s 2019-2020 Work Program has been adopted

The European Commission has adopted the Work Program 2019-2020 of the Joint Research Center – JRC, the Commission’s internal scientific service funded under the Horizon 2020 program, which provides support to the EU decision-making process through independent scientific advice. The key orientations contained in the Work Program reflect the work that the JRC will carry

The Joint Research Center’s 2019-2020 Work Program has been adopted Leggi tutto »


“From the business to the supply chain. The evolution of the 4.0 paradigm” – Brescia, 27 June 2019

On Thursday 27 June from 09.30, at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Brescia, the RISE Laboratory will present the results of the third edition of the laboratory’s research with the title “From the enterprise to the supply chain. The evolution of the paradigm 4.0 “. The aim of the event is to

“From the business to the supply chain. The evolution of the 4.0 paradigm” – Brescia, 27 June 2019 Leggi tutto »


Horizon Europe: drafted a first document that suggests 18 possible topics for research partnerships

The European Commission has drafted a document on 8 May 2019, unpublished and to be submitted to the attention of the Member States, which offers a first look at 18 possible topics for research partnerships with industry, national governments and public organizations within Horizon Europe. The central ‘pillar’ of Horizon Europe is split into six

Horizon Europe: drafted a first document that suggests 18 possible topics for research partnerships Leggi tutto »

New international cooperation agreement between the University of Brescia and the University of Kitakyushu (Japan)

With Rector’s Decree n. 354 of 8 May 2019 a new international cooperation agreement was approved between our University and the University of Kitakyushu based in Kitakyushu (Japan), presented by Prof. Nicola Adami, a member of the Department of Information Engineering. The University of Kitakyushu, founded in 1946, is a public university in Kitakyushu, Japan.

New international cooperation agreement between the University of Brescia and the University of Kitakyushu (Japan) Leggi tutto »

Research Award to Proff. Gerevini and Serina in Artificial Intelligence

The research work described in an article [1] of 2002, signed by Proff. Alfonso Gerevini and Ivan Serina of the Department of Information Engineering, will be awarded as “Influential paper” by an important international conference of AI (Artificial Intelligence), classified A * by CORE ranking (ICAPS). These awards reward research work, carried out at least

Research Award to Proff. Gerevini and Serina in Artificial Intelligence Leggi tutto »

Commission appoints Mauro Ferrari as next President of the European Research Council

The European Commission has today appointed Professor Mauro Ferrari as the next President of the European Research Council (ERC), responsible for funding investigator-driven frontier scientific research in Europe. Professor Ferrari will take up his new role as of 1 January 2020, when the mandate of current President Professor Jean-Pierre Bourguignon ends. The new President joins

Commission appoints Mauro Ferrari as next President of the European Research Council Leggi tutto »


The European Commission starts the strategic planning of Horizon Europe

The European Commission has started the process of planning the implementation of Horizon Europe, the R&I framework program for the period 2021-2027. In fact, the first meeting of the shadow committee to draw up the official plan was called. Member State governments should receive exclusive access to the preliminary draft of the plan in the

The European Commission starts the strategic planning of Horizon Europe Leggi tutto »

New international cooperation agreement between the University of Brescia and the Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina – Florianopolis (Brazil)

With Rector’s Decree n. 353 of 8 May 2019 a new international cooperation agreement was approved between our University and the Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina based in Florianopolis (Brazil), presented by Prof. Antonio Visioli, a member of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. The Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina, founded in 1960, is

New international cooperation agreement between the University of Brescia and the Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina – Florianopolis (Brazil) Leggi tutto »

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