

Friends of the ERC – a petition against a budget cut

One of the greatest European success stories in the last decade is the European Research Council (ERC)<>. Thanks to its focus on excellent science and bold ideas, and its independence from political intervention, ERC grants have become one of the most prestigious research grants in the world. Considering the current European debate on the next […]

Friends of the ERC – a petition against a budget cut Leggi tutto »

Covid-19: University of Brescia and Spedali Civili build a model to predict disease severity

In an advanced study, conducted and carried out by the team of prof. Alfonso Gerevini of the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Brescia in collaboration with the team of prof. Roberto Maroldi, director of Radiodiagnostics 2 of the Civil Hospital and the Department of Medical and Surgical Specialties, Radiological Sciences and Public

Covid-19: University of Brescia and Spedali Civili build a model to predict disease severity Leggi tutto »


Covid-19: Artificial Intelligence and radiographic images to estimate the severity degree of pneumonia

In a study directed and coordinated by the Department of Information Engineering and the Department of Medical-Surgical Specialties, Radiological Sciences and Public Health of the University of Brescia, a group of researchers studied, for the first time internationally, the prognostic capacity of the Artificial Intelligence techniques (Deep Learning and Computer Vision) starting from the analysis

Covid-19: Artificial Intelligence and radiographic images to estimate the severity degree of pneumonia Leggi tutto »


H2020-MSCA-ITN-2020: results published

With a total budget of € 530 million, the European Commission has announced that it will support 147 Innovative Training Networks (ITN) within the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions. These networks involve nearly 1,400 organizations, including 158 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The proposals presented fall into one of the following three types: European Training Networks (ETN):

H2020-MSCA-ITN-2020: results published Leggi tutto »

Climate chage: public consultation open of the future European Adaptation Strategy

The European Commission has opened a public consultation on the future European strategy for adaptation to climate change. As part of the European Green Deal, the Commission intends to present an Adaptation Strategy in early 2021 starting from the current strategy adopted in 2013 and positively evaluated in 2018. The consultation is open to citizens

Climate chage: public consultation open of the future European Adaptation Strategy Leggi tutto »

Interreg MED

Public consultation on the future 2021-2007 Interreg Mediterranean Programme

The European Commission has launched a public consultation on the definition of the next Interreg Mediterranean 2021-2027 program. The consultation is aimed at all current and potential stakeholders to guide the definition of priorities, types of projects, objectives and results to be achieved by the end of the next seven years of programming. Indeed, the

Public consultation on the future 2021-2007 Interreg Mediterranean Programme Leggi tutto »

First results from the European project “HG NCoV19 test” for a rapid diagnostic system

The researchers involved in the “HG nCoV19 test” project, selected for funding as part of the special Horizon 2020 call launched in January to address Coronavirus, have obtained approval for the placing on the market of a new rapid diagnostic system for the COVID-19. By bringing together public and private organizations from Ireland, Italy, the

First results from the European project “HG NCoV19 test” for a rapid diagnostic system Leggi tutto »

Covid-19: new provisions for the mobility of Erasmus Plus projects

The European Commission has published new provisions for the implementation of the ongoing and approved Erasmus + projects under the 2020 call, whose mobility activities are and will be significantly influenced by the Covid-19 emergency. The provisions concern: blended mobility within Key Action 1 and 2: it will be possible to start mobility activities in

Covid-19: new provisions for the mobility of Erasmus Plus projects Leggi tutto »


Covid-19: China donates a tool for molecular diagnostics to the Microbiology and Virology Laboratory of Unibs

The city of Shenzen donates a tool for molecular diagnostics to the Microbiology and Virology Laboratory of the University of Brescia at Spedali Civili, directed by prof. Arnaldo Caruso. A gift that testifies the link between Brescia, the local Chinese community and China. The equipment arrived at the Civil and was immediately sent to the

Covid-19: China donates a tool for molecular diagnostics to the Microbiology and Virology Laboratory of Unibs Leggi tutto »