- blended mobility within Key Action 1 and 2: it will be possible to start mobility activities in virtual mode, combined with a component of physical mobility abroad when possible again. These mobility will be recognized in full (for example through ECTS), for all activities carried out during the period of virtual and physical mobility. This method is also applicable to staff activities, for which an entire period of virtual mobility will be eligible, when the physical component cannot be implemented due to the persistence of the restrictions. The use of eTwinning is encouraged for school education: all planned class exchanges can start through collaboration on the platform.
- strategic partnerships: the beneficiaries will be able to continue the activities envisaged by the strategic partnership projects in virtual mode, in order to limit the impact of the emergency situation.
- financial support: the beneficiaries will receive financial support in the manner that will be communicated shortly according to the sectors and the key reference actions.

Covid-19: new provisions for the mobility of Erasmus Plus projects
The European Commission has published new provisions for the implementation of the ongoing and approved Erasmus + projects under the 2020 call, whose mobility activities are and will be significantly influenced by the Covid-19 emergency.
The provisions concern: