
Prof. Francesco Castelli appointed member of the Lombardy Region Covid-19 Technical Scientific Committee

Due to the “precious and extraordinary scientific contribution made to date“, prof. Francesco Castelli, Professor of Infectious Diseases of the University of Brescia and Director of the School of Specialization in Infectious Diseases, was invited to take part in the Covid-19 Technical Scientific Committee, established by the Lombardy Region with Decree no. 4663 of 17/04/2020 […]

Prof. Francesco Castelli appointed member of the Lombardy Region Covid-19 Technical Scientific Committee Leggi tutto »

“ERAvsCORONA” ACTION PLAN: 10 strategic priorities in R&I against Covid-19

On April 2020, 7, the European Research Ministers expressed their support for the “ERAvsCORONA” ACTION PLAN which represents the result of collaboration between Member States and the European Commission in order to better coordinate the intervention in the current emergency situation. The top 10 priority actions that will be implemented against Coronavirus in the R&I

“ERAvsCORONA” ACTION PLAN: 10 strategic priorities in R&I against Covid-19 Leggi tutto »


European Research Council: resignation of the President Mauro Ferrari

Only three months after the appointment as President of the ERC, Mauro Ferrari’s resignation arrived on 7 April. Ferrari entrusted its intentions and the reasons behind its decision to an open letter to the Financial Times, to which the ERC’s scientific council responded by clarifying its position with an official statement.

European Research Council: resignation of the President Mauro Ferrari Leggi tutto »

Horizon 2020: the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships call 2020 now open

The objective of the Marie Sklodowska Curie – Individual Fellowships call is to enhance the creative and innovative potential of expert researchers who wish to diversify their individual skills in terms of skills acquisition through advanced training and international and intersectoral mobility. Individual grants offer the opportunity to acquire and transfer new knowledge and to

Horizon 2020: the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships call 2020 now open Leggi tutto »


2020 LIFE calls for proposals are open: new measures introduced by EASME to lessen the impact of restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic

The European Commission has launched its 2020 call for project proposals under the LIFE programme. This year, we have earmarked more than €450 million for nature conservation, environmental protection and climate action projects. Due to the recent COVID-19 outbreak, EASME has also introduced a number of measures to make it easier for you to apply

2020 LIFE calls for proposals are open: new measures introduced by EASME to lessen the impact of restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic Leggi tutto »


Covid-19 impact on the Horizon 2020 framework program: responses from the European Commission

The European Commission has made available online the FAQ section dedicated to the impact of Covid-19 on the Horizon 2020 framework program and on the management of projects that are in progress or are due to start. The FAQs are available on the Funding & tender portal and collect the questions posed in recent weeks

Covid-19 impact on the Horizon 2020 framework program: responses from the European Commission Leggi tutto »

European Digital Strategy

The Commission presented its ideas and actions for a digital transformation at the service of all and which reflects the best of Europe: openness, fairness, pluralism, democracy and security. Digital technologies are identified as a powerful ally in the fight against climate change and for achieving the green transition. There are several areas of interest

European Digital Strategy Leggi tutto »