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L’U.O.C Ricerca internazionale, Cooperazione e Mobilità Docenti del Servizio Ricerca fornirà supporto ai ricercatori che desiderano partecipare e presentare un progetto di ricerca nell’ambito dei bandi Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships  e ha creato una banca dati dei gruppi di ricerca interessati da ospitare i Marie Curie fellows, tra i quali potrai trovare il team di ricerca appropriato […]

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The University of Brescia at the forefront of the drafting of the Vademecum COVID-19 of SIMIT – Italian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases

The “Vademecum for the treatment of people with COVID-19 disease” was prepared by the Lombard section of SIMIT – Italian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases with the aim of supporting clinicians in therapeutic decisions. Involved in the definition of the document, within the «Collaborative Group – COVID-19 Lombardy Therapy» made up of 46 specialists

The University of Brescia at the forefront of the drafting of the Vademecum COVID-19 of SIMIT – Italian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases Leggi tutto »

The Microbiology and Virology Laboratory of the University of Brescia isolates the Coronavirus

An important success for the Microbiology and Virology Laboratory of the University of Brescia. The team of researchers of prof. Arnaldo Caruso, who is the director of the Laboratory at the Civil Hospital of Brescia and President of the Italian Society of Virology, has isolated the Coronavirus strain (SarsCoV2) which has infected a patient from

The Microbiology and Virology Laboratory of the University of Brescia isolates the Coronavirus Leggi tutto »


The University of Brescia accredited by Eurostat and Istat

We recall that UNIBS is accredited by Eurostat, the Directorate-General of the European Commission, which collects and processes data from the Member States of the European Union for statistical purposes, promoting the process of harmonization of the statistical methodology between the Member States, and Istat, in order to be able to access elementary data collected

The University of Brescia accredited by Eurostat and Istat Leggi tutto »


Transition of the ERC to Horizon Europe – Operational considerations

The ERC’s mission and funding principles have been fully maintained by the European Union (EU) Parliament and Council during the negotiations on Horizon Europe, the successor programme to Horizon 2020. As in previous transitions between consecutive EU research and innovation framework programmes, the calendar of the calls in the initial year of Horizon Europe may

Transition of the ERC to Horizon Europe – Operational considerations Leggi tutto »

Intellectual property and invention patents – Brescia, 10 December 2019

The Research and Technology Transfer Service organizes a training day on Intellectual property and invention patents in collaboration with the Notarbartolo & Gervasi Studio. The meeting will take place on Tuesday 10 December 2019 in the Council Chamber of the former Faculty of Engineering – Via Branze, 38 starting at 9.00. Professors, researchers, research fellows

Intellectual property and invention patents – Brescia, 10 December 2019 Leggi tutto »

commissione europea

EU budget: the new commissioner in defense of the Horizon Europe budget

According to a recent Science | Business article, new research commissioner Marya Gabriel is struggling to defend Horizon Europe’s planned budget. The European Commission’s proposal for the budget to be allocated to the next European framework program dedicated to research and innovation is in fact challenged by the current impasse among national governments on the

EU budget: the new commissioner in defense of the Horizon Europe budget Leggi tutto »


National day of launch of the Secure Societies Horizon 2020 calls – Protection of the freedom and security of Europe and its citizens – Rome, 5 December 2019

The day, organized by APRE on behalf of the MIUR and in close collaboration with the Representative of the specific Configuration, Maurizio Aiello (Institute of electronics and information engineering and telecommunications – CNR), wants to support Italian participation in the last two years of H2020 in view of the future programming 2021-2027 of Horizon Europe.

National day of launch of the Secure Societies Horizon 2020 calls – Protection of the freedom and security of Europe and its citizens – Rome, 5 December 2019 Leggi tutto »


5 European Health Industry Associations launched a public stakeholder consultation on Health PPP SRA

Five European Health Industry Associations (COCIR, EFPIA, EuropaBio, Medtech Europe and VaccinesEurope) representing pharmaceutical, biotech and medical technologies joined forces on the Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) for Innovation in Healthcare. This Agenda falls in the creation of a European Health Innovation Public-Private Partnership (PPP) under Horizon Europe, which aims at guiding future public-private research & innovation that would contribute –

5 European Health Industry Associations launched a public stakeholder consultation on Health PPP SRA Leggi tutto »


ERC Starting Grants 2020 call: a total of 3,271 proposals received

This year the ERC received 3,271 applications – more than 5 % increase compared to the previous Starting Grants call. The highest number of applications was submitted in the domain of Physical Sciences and Engineering (1,415), followed by Social Science and Humanities (943), and Life Sciences (913). Nearly 38% of proposals were submitted by women,

ERC Starting Grants 2020 call: a total of 3,271 proposals received Leggi tutto »