Enti finanziatori

National Library of Medicine – Michael E. DeBakey fellowships in the history of medicine 2020

The National Library of Medicine and the Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences (FAES) invite applications for the Michael E. DeBakey fellowships in the history of medicine. These support individuals in pursuing research in the library’s Michael E Debakey archives, which reflect the vast range of subjects from Michael E DeBakey’s professional career. Research […]

National Library of Medicine – Michael E. DeBakey fellowships in the history of medicine 2020 Leggi tutto »

Velux Stiftung – Research Projects 2020

The Foundation supports basic or applied research project of 1-4 years of duration for approx. CHF 50’000 – CHF 100’000/yr., higher amounts possible depending on project goals. Applicant must be a permanent employee of a university or other permanent research entity and the application has to establish why the Velux Stiftung is necessary for the funding. The funding

Velux Stiftung – Research Projects 2020 Leggi tutto »

CERN – Scientific associates programme

CERN invites applications for its scientific associates programme. This enables established scientists to use CERN research facilities, to participate in its programmes covering experimental and theoretical particle physics, as well as various related activities in applied physics, electronics, computing and engineering. Applicants must remain employed at their home institute during their appointment. A monthly subsistence

CERN – Scientific associates programme Leggi tutto »


IMI2: aperti gli ultimi due bando dedicati alle medicine innovative

Sono aperti gli ultimi due bandi dell’Innovative Medicine Initiative – IMI2 riguardanti diversi temi tra cui la cura del cancro attraverso l’Intelligenza Artificiale, la resistenza antimicrobica, le malattie degenerative, le malattie rare e l’aderenza del paziente alle terapie. I due bandi, Call 22 e Call 23, hanno una dotazione di budget di 59 milioni di euro complessivi stanziati da Horizon 2020 e si rivolgono a partenariati di diversi soggetti tra cui università,

IMI2: aperti gli ultimi due bando dedicati alle medicine innovative Leggi tutto »

NIH – bando Covid-19 per studi clinici sulla popolazione anziana a rischio durante l’emergenza

Il National Institutes of Health (NIH) e il National Institute on Aging americani lanciano il bando “NIA Multi-site COVID-19 Related Clinical Trial Implementation Grant on Aging-Related Topics in at-risk Older Adult Populations“, per discutere la tematica della popolazione anziana a rischio nell’ambito dell’emergenza sanitaria causata dal Covid-19. l progetti dovranno concentrarsi su studi clinici volti ad affrontare le questioni legate all’invecchiamento, come

NIH – bando Covid-19 per studi clinici sulla popolazione anziana a rischio durante l’emergenza Leggi tutto »

Conquer Cancer Foundation – Career Development Award in Breast Cancer

The Career Development Award (CDA) in Breast Cancer provides research funding to clinical investigators, who have received their initial faculty appointment, as they work to establish an independent clinical breast cancer research program. This research must have a patient-oriented focus, including a clinical research study and/or translational research involving human subjects. Proposals with a predominant

Conquer Cancer Foundation – Career Development Award in Breast Cancer Leggi tutto »

La Notte Europea dei Ricercatori 2020 – 27 novembre 2020

Si terrà quest’anno il 27 novembre 2020, anziché come di consueto l’ultimo venerdì di settembre, la Notte Europea dei Ricercatori 2020, un progetto finanziato dalla Comunità Europea nell’ambito delle azioni Marie Sklodowska-Curie per promuovere le carriere dei ricercatori in Europa. L’obiettivo è quello di creare occasioni d’incontro tra ricercatori e cittadini per diffondere la cultura scientifica e la conoscenza delle professioni

La Notte Europea dei Ricercatori 2020 – 27 novembre 2020 Leggi tutto »

The European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership

EDCTP – COVID-19: nuovi bandi per progetti di ricerca clinica sulle malattie infettive nell’Africa sub-sahariana

Sono aperti diversi bandi per la ricerca clinica collaborativa condotta in Africa sub-sahariana relativa alle malattie infettive legate alla povertà, tra cui il coronavirus, promossi dall’European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP). EDCTP è un partenariato pubblico privato tra paesi europei e subsahariani, sostenuto dal programma Horizon 2020 dell’Unione Europea. I topic aperti sono i seguenti: Ethics and regulatory capacities (2,5 milioni di

EDCTP – COVID-19: nuovi bandi per progetti di ricerca clinica sulle malattie infettive nell’Africa sub-sahariana Leggi tutto »

European University Institute

Call for applications: European Court of Auditors Postgraduate Research Grants 2020

The European University Institute and the European Court of Auditors invite applications for their postgraduate research grants on European public finances. These enable researchers in the field of European public finances to undertake studies at the Historical Archives of the EU in Florence, Italy. Research focusing on European public finances’ impact on various areas of

Call for applications: European Court of Auditors Postgraduate Research Grants 2020 Leggi tutto »

BIAL foundation- Funding for Scientific Research 2020/2021

With the aim of encouraging research into the healthy human being, both from the physical and spiritual point of view and particularly in fields largely still unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, BIAL Foundation now opens a Grants programme for Scientific Research with the following characteristics: Scope and purpose – Only the fields of Psychophysiology

BIAL foundation- Funding for Scientific Research 2020/2021 Leggi tutto »

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