Non EU

Bando PRACE per soluzioni che contribuiscano a mitigare l’impatto della pandemia Covid-19

PRACE – Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe ha aperto un bando per la ricerca di soluzioni che contribuiscano a mitigare l’impatto dell’emergenza Covid-19. Il bando è rivolto a ricercatori appartenenti a organismi di ricerca, università e industrie con sede nell’Unione Europea. I topic affrontati sono i seguenti: Biomolecular research to understand the mechanisms of […]

Bando PRACE per soluzioni che contribuiscano a mitigare l’impatto della pandemia Covid-19 Leggi tutto »

Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation – Drug Development Program

Through its Drug Development Program the ADDF seeks to support develop therapeutics for Alzheimr’s disease and related dementias. Thsi program focuses on building preclinical evidence in animal models and on adavncing leas molecules to the clincal candidate selection stage. The propose studies shoudl have a high probability or reaching IND-enabling stuides within two years. Current

Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation – Drug Development Program Leggi tutto »

Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance – Bronya J. Keats Award for International Collaboration in Research on FA

FARA accepts LOIs focusing on FA research that relies on international collaboration among investigators in at least two different countries. Special consideration will be given to proposals that bring new scientists to the FA community. The rationale for the collaboration needs to be convincing and must clearly demonstrate that the research goals could not be

Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance – Bronya J. Keats Award for International Collaboration in Research on FA Leggi tutto »

National Multiple Sclerosis Society – Pilot research grants

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society invites applications for its pilot research grants. These support unique or innovative ideas with the potential to open new areas of research on multiple sclerosis. Projects with little or no preliminary data should apply. Proposals that address the following focus areas are particularly encouraged: •define the contribution of genetics, risk

National Multiple Sclerosis Society – Pilot research grants Leggi tutto »

Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance – Kyle Bryant Translational Research Award

FARA accepts LOIs for its Kyle Bryant Translational Research Award, focusing on pre-clinical and clinical investigations that will advance treatments for FA. The specific aims must target one or more of the following: Identification of biomarkers for FA that will elucidate disease variability, severity, and prognosis; facilitate drug screening, and/or optimize selection of patients and

Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance – Kyle Bryant Translational Research Award Leggi tutto »

american leprosy missions

American Leprosy Missions – Neglected tropical diseases innovation prize

American Leprosy Missions, in partnership with the Neglected Tropical Disease NGO Network and Novartis, invites abstracts for its neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) innovation prize. This aimst to identify and support innovators with creative ideas to solve some of the most challenging issues posed by NTDs across the globe. The overall goal is to encourage and

American Leprosy Missions – Neglected tropical diseases innovation prize Leggi tutto »

The National Geographic Society – Standard Grant

Il Grant è rivolto a ricercatori esperti con esperienza comprovata. Se il progetto si svolge in un’area diversa dal proprio Paese, è opportuno includere nel team di ricerca un ricercatore locale dell’area dove il progetto sarà implementato. Il progetto ha durata di 12 mesi per un finanziamento fino a US$ 30.000 Il finanziamento sostiene sostanzialmente le spese sul

The National Geographic Society – Standard Grant Leggi tutto »

Health Effects Institute – Health effects of air pollution

The Health Effects Institute invites preliminary applications for its health effects of air pollution programme. This supports research on novel and important aspects of the health effects of air pollutants. The current areas of interest are: •accountability or effectiveness of air quality regulations; •strengthening causal interpretation of evidence from existing cohorts; •contributions of wildland and

Health Effects Institute – Health effects of air pollution Leggi tutto »

CurePSP Foundation – Venture grants

The CurePSP Foundation invites proposals for its venture grants. These support research that helps generate an integrated picture of progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) and corticobasal degeneration (CBD) at pre-clinical and clinical levels. Projects on the following topics are of particular interest: •molecular and cellular mechanisms that may operate also in related diseases; •translational clinical research

CurePSP Foundation – Venture grants Leggi tutto »

Muscolar Dystrophy Association – Infrastructure Grants

Le sovvenzioni alle infrastrutture sono utilizzate per supportare lo sviluppo di strumenti, tecniche e servizi quali: Banche dei tessuti per sostenere la raccolta e lo stoccaggio del tessuto del paziente a scopo di ricerca Banche anticorpali Sviluppo di strutture centrali (ad esempio, core di sequenziamento / fenotipizzazione, produzione vettoriale) Registri pazienti Consorzi clinici Database basati

Muscolar Dystrophy Association – Infrastructure Grants Leggi tutto »

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