

Ministero dell’Interno – Call for Action “Rafforzamento della rete radar nazionale”

Il Bando ha la finalità di sostenere interventi finalizzati al rafforzamento della rete radar nazionale, al fine di garantire comunicazioni affidabili tra le unità operative e i centri di coordinamento nonché un’efficace attività di “scoperta” lungo le frontiere esterne. In particolare, l’iniziativa sostiene interventi per il potenziamento e l’ammodernamento tecnologico della rete radar nazionale utile […]

Ministero dell’Interno – Call for Action “Rafforzamento della rete radar nazionale” Leggi tutto »

National Science Foundation – Human networks and data science – core research

The National Science Foundation, under its Directorate for Social, Behavioural and Economic (SBE) Science, invites proposals for its core research under its human networks and data science programme. This supports proposals that advance theory in a core SBE discipline by the application of data and network science methods, including the leveraging of large data sets

National Science Foundation – Human networks and data science – core research Leggi tutto »

ERA4Health Brain Ageing Through Nutrition Open Call 2024

The Horizon Europe “Fostering a European Research Area for Health” (ERA4Health) Partnership has opened a call for proposals on the topic of “Modulation of brain ageing through nutrition: NutriBrain 2024“. The aim of the call is to support transnational research projects that focus on the improvement of cognitive brain ageing through nutrition and other lifestyle factors.

ERA4Health Brain Ageing Through Nutrition Open Call 2024 Leggi tutto »

Society for Pediatric Pneumology – Klosterfrau Award

The Klosterfrau Foundation wants to encourage researchers in the field of paediatric respiratory medicine to apply for the prestigious Award. Scientists conducting clinical or basic research in the field of paediatric lung diseases can apply and send their publication and application to the committee. Thought provoking papers with a translational potential are especially welcome. The

Society for Pediatric Pneumology – Klosterfrau Award Leggi tutto »

Gruber Foundation – Neuroscience Prize

The Gruber Foundation, in collaboration with Yale University, invites nominations for its neuroscience prize. This recognises scientists for major discoveries that have advanced the understanding of the nervous system. Individuals who are active in or have an appreciation for contemporary neuroscience research and study may nominate individuals from anywhere in the world who have conducted

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Dalla UE 36 milioni per diritti umani, libertà fondamentali e democrazia

La Commissione Europea ha pubblicato il bando “NDICI-Global Europe Thematic Programme on Human Rights and Democracy – 2023”, parte del programma tematico sui diritti umani e la democrazia nell’ambito dello strumento di vicinato, cooperazione allo sviluppo e cooperazione internazionale – Europa globale (NDICI-Europa globale), il più importante strumento europeo per promuovere e proteggere i diritti umani

Dalla UE 36 milioni per diritti umani, libertà fondamentali e democrazia Leggi tutto »

Northwestern University – Nemmers prizes in economics, mathematics and Earth sciences

Northwestern University invites nominations for the Nemmers prizes. These recognise achievement and contributions to new knowledge or the development of new modes of analysis in the fields of economics, mathematics and Earth sciences respectively. There are three prizes: •the Erwin Plein Nemmers prize in economics; •the Frederic Esser Nemmers prize in mathematics; •the Nemmers prize

Northwestern University – Nemmers prizes in economics, mathematics and Earth sciences Leggi tutto »


Bando congiunto Europe Rails – SESAR 3JU

Europe Rail’s e SESAR 3 JU hanno lanciato un bando congiunto per lo sviluppo di una “Dorsale di rete aerea e ferroviaria integrata per un sistema di trasporto multimodale sostenibile ed efficiente dal punto di vistaenergetico”. Il bando in questione (HORIZON-ER-JU-2023- FA1-SESAR), cofinanziato nell’ambito del programma Horizon Europe, affronta temi qualila definizione di un piano

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