The European Hematology Association Research Grants support talented early career researchers in advancing their career, e.g. towards
becoming the leader of a research group. The research must be lab-based: basic or translational research.
- The Junior Research Grants support basic researchers within 4 years of their PhD graduation. The month of graduation must be less than 4 years before closing date of application, exceptions must be justified.
The research grant is up to € €50.000, per year, for 2 years.
- The Advanced research grants support basic researchers 4-8 years after their PhD graduation. The time interval between month of graduation and closing date of application, exceptions must be justified.
The research grant is up to € €80.000, per year, for 2 years.
- The Physician Scientist Research Grants support physician scientists who:
- Are MD or equivalent
- Are within 4 years after PhD graduation OR graduation of hematology training (or equivalent)
- Have a proven track record in research by publications
- Must have at least 50% protected time for performing the research project, to be justified in the letter of support by the institute where the research will be performed.
It is highly preferred that the topic of research is related to the specialty in the clinic. (e.g. LAB: developing a mouse model in MPN, CLINIC: treating MPN)
The research grant is up to €80.000,per year, for 2 years.
Deadline: 16th December 2021.